notre passé et présents Ch.11

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The Present: Scarlet's P.O.V.

It was Saturday morning and I was really excited about getting to go look around Hogwarts. So excited that I was done getting a shower and getting dressed in record time. I had on a nude color, v neck bandage dress with a nude corset belt around my waist. I had net peep toe high heels, a flower applique bag, wooden bangles, feather chandelier earrings, and a necklace that matched the rest of the outfit. My makeup consisted of a beige-rose lip stick and the rest was more natural.

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My stomach started growling, so instead of looking around immediately I went to go get some breakfast. Since I was up pretty early I noticed that the hall was mainly empty, which I didn't mind. Severus was in there early like he always was, it seemed as if he was almost done with his breakfast. So I went up to the Professor's table and sat next to him.

“It's strange sitting up here and not down there,” I gestured to the tables in front of us.

“That's what I thought the first couple times I sat up here, you get used to it though. What are you planning on doing the whole day?” he asked me.

“Exploring Hogwarts. I wanted to see everything again. It's been a long time since I last visited the lake, the room of requirement, and some of my secret passages, though I don't need those anymore since I'm working at Hogwarts now.”

“I still don't understand why you refuse to tell me about those passageways,” he said.

“I'm just afraid you'll seal those passageways off so that other pranksters can't find them. That just wouldn't do and you know that, I can't stop future pranksters from finding out about those.”

“Don't worry, I understand Scar. We wouldn't want all the pranksters to disappear from here, even though I'm sometimes the target I wouldn't want all the fun taken away.” he told me before standing up. “I have to go finish planning some of my lesson's. I'll see you later Scarlet, have fun searching the grounds.” with that he left.

After finishing up some food I walked quickly out of the hall. It was 10:00, which meant that some students were starting to wake up. Some student's stayed in bed though, probably trying to not think about the classes and the homework that would start Monday. I was walking through the halls when I noticed a young boy getting cornered by none other then Malfoy and his gang. It reminded me a lot of Lucius Malfoy, which didn't reassure me at all.

“Watch where you're going next time Mudblood!” he snarled at the poor 2nd year.

“Move it Mr. Malfoy before I take away house points, you wouldn't want that would you?” I smirked as him and his gang turned towards me.

“Whatever, you can't save every kid anyway. It's not like you're that powerful!” he told me in a bored tone. My temper flared as anger spread throughout me.

“How dare you talk to me like that!” outside it start to pour down rain, along with thunder, lightening, and hail accompanying it. “I am one of your Professor's. For that 40 points taken from Slytherin, now get out of my sight!” I growled at him. He fled with his gang at his heels, as soon as he left so did the storm that was brewing outside. “Are you okay?” I asked the boy crouched in the corner.

“That was amazing, how did you do that?” the boy asked with wide eyes.

“Just something I've always known how to do. What's your name?”

“Jackson Depedro Professor,” he told me. Something about him seemed familiar.

“You look familiar to someone, I just can't place my finger on it.”

notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now