notre passé et présents Ch.16

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The Past: Scarlet's P.O.V.

Day of the ball

“I can't wait!” we all said as we got up and ready for the day.

I put on a strapless dress that had silver sequins all over the top while from my waist down was cream. I had silver high heels that had some sparkle and glittery silver lip clutch. My jewelry was a diamond cluster ring, a love heart necklace, and rhinestone hoop earrings. A berry colored lip stick and some eyeliner finished the look.

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“I've never understood how you've managed to look good no matter what. You never even have a bad hair day!” complained May.

“I'm just naturally blessed with good looks,” I teased as I finished pinning my hair up in a bun. “You guy's all look great too,” I told her and I went and decided to curl Caroline' hair.

“Tonight's going to be amazing!” sighed Lily as she daydreamed about my brother.

“And to think you used to hate him!” I shook my head in disgust at her.

“Yep looks like she fell for one of her best friend's brother,” Emily said as we all broke out in huge smiles when Lily blushed.

“Well Scar fell for her brother's best friend,” this time it was my turn to blush.

“Let's go down for some breakfast, I'm starving!” complained May.

“So am I!” I finished Caroline' hair and we all went down to the great hall just as Malfoy walked out. He walked straight into Emily, causing her to fall down.

“Watch where you're going!” he sneered. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter had just caught up to us, but before they could do anything I snapped. No longer able to take him or his buddies I punched him straight in the face. He gasped in pain as his nose started to bleed. “You'll pay for this!” he growled as Nacarssia went and tried to help him.

“I doubt it!” I smiled before skipping over to the Gryffindor table.

“That was bloody amazing!” James said once everyone joined me.

“Thanks, I knew all that training was going to pay off at some point,” I said before grabbing some pancakes. “I'm so glad we have no classes because of the ball!” I said before digging in.

“I know right, the marauders have some discussing to do after this, sorry girls,” Sirius said to the others. They were used to this happening at points and didn't even try to argue with it. Once we were done eating our group got up and left for the room of requirement.

“Since we are all done with our floors of the school we are ready to make a complete map.” James explained when we were all seated in the room. “Remus knows the spell and Sirius and Scarlet found out how to show where everyone in the school is at at all times. Is everyone ready?”

“Yes!” we all answered, all of us with huge smiles on our face. Remus started working on putting the map together, once he was done Sirius and I started working. By the end of it we had the perfect map, we were just missing something.

“I have an idea!” I exclaimed before grabbing the map out of their hands. I walked over to the corner away from them and began casting some spells. When I was finished I waved them over. “Watch this, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” I said as the folded paper began to change from its blank appearance. In the middle of it were the words The Marauder's Map, underneath showed how it was made by; Moony, Wormtail, Shifty, Padfoot, and Prongs. I opened the map to show the whole school. “When you're done just tap it and say mischief managed,” I explained as it became blank. “No one will ever be able to break through this.”

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