Chapter 17 - Trial part 2

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Lt. Cmdr Fuko was sitting at the table in the interview room again when Williamson was escorted in. "Atten-hut! Prisoner Williamson I am going to submit a recommendation to the Admiral that you are kept in a separate room for the rest of the trial. This is for your safety since you cannot seem to control your expression or emotions. You came damn close to having your head ripped off today. It is my job to mitigate the charges against you. You are not making this easy. I am almost tempted to have a discussion with you about taking a plea. Knowing your general resistance to considering you might be wrong I am not going to bother."

Williamson came to attention and he was almost at his breaking point. Everyone was treating him like he was scum and worthless. He wasn't, they were, those damn sub-human's were the cause of all this. If they hadn't been there he wouldn't have freaked out the way he had. His righteous rage was starting to burn away the fear from when both of the creatures threatened him. "Fine Ma'am." He almost spit that out. "It doesn't matter what I think as far as I can tell. Since there isn't any reason for me to still be here I would like to be escorted back to my cell." He had pretty much given up on any pretense of civility. His voice showed his rage as he was talking.

Lt. Cmdr Fuko ignored his childishness for the moment. As long as he didn't start swearing at her she didn't care. She was going to do her best and at this point his cooperation was of minimum value. He was already going to jail short of a miracle happening. Even then chances were good he would still go to jail. "Before you are escorted back prisoner while we were in court a message was received. Your father is in heart surgery. He went into cardiac arrest and they are doing a bypass surgery and what else is needed to try and save him. If you wish to contact your step-mother I can set up a video call for you."

Williamson staggered slightly with that news and the blood drained from his face even more than earlier. He had to grab the edge of the table to keep from collapsing. When one of the soldiers grasped his arm to keep him from falling he barely noticed. For this he could handle talking to his mother. "If you would Ma'am please. I need to know what is going on." Williamson could feel his lungs starting to tense up and breathing and heart start racing.

"Get him a chair before he collapses. Get medical here to check on him." She started typing on her tablet and entering some commands. As she was working on getting permission to contact his step mother a medic came in and started checking on him.

It took some time but after giving him something to calm down she finally had permission. "Try and remain calm while you are connected to your step-mother. If you get worked up I will have to cut the call short." She tapped a command and they were connected to the hospital. Jacqueline, Adelbert, and the company lawyer were all sitting there.

Jacqueline looked at the monitor. "Morning Herman, I understand you have been given the news about your father. He is still in surgery and they don't expect to finish it for several more hours. Once the surgery is over he is going to be moved to the cardiac lab for an angiocath. As of now I have instructed that your lawyer is kept up to date on all information related to your father."

Herman looked at the three of them and took a jagged breath. "Thank you mother, keep me in the loop for any changes." He couldn't take anymore and started crying. His world was crumbling around him. He was being punished for his personal thoughts and opinions, his father was going to die, he was going to be railroaded into jail and probably reprogrammed.

Lt. Cmdr Fuko disconnected the call and nodded at the guards. "Take him back to his cell and ensure you keep an eye on him. Call medical if needed." Once he was gone she packed up her files and left the room. This was going to be a mess to deal with.

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