Chapter 16 - Mika is what?

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As Leo, Daichi, and Ayaka very quickly followed the two Cadets out of the room Williamson wanted to gloat. That was definitely a positive reaction and he didn't manage to control his expression. On the flip side of the coin he had barely managed not to piss his pants. That threat was so direct and scary any remaining blood drained from his face and he cowered back.

The Admiral looked at the boy and watched his expressions and then looked at Lt. Cmdr. Fuko. "Security remove the prisoner and return him to his cell. Court is adjourned till the morning. Lt. Truthbinder go and check on your clients and keep me updated. Sgt. Miller go with Lt. Truthbinder." He stood and with the other officers left the room. This was giving him a major headache.

Once they left the room the Admiral turned to the other officers. "Though I don't need to say this keep what happened in the courtroom in the courtroom. Till the trial is over we need to keep all this information classified. Ensure your staff knows that if there are any un-named sources leaking information there will be an investigation." He turned away from them and stalked towards his office. He was going to need to sit down and think about how they were going to deal with this.

Having the prisoner and the Were-cats in the same room might not be a good idea. He had sent Lt. Truthbinder a note to report to him once the cats settled down. Zack had a number of questions to ask the officer about what the spell reported to him. He also needed the lieutenant's take on how what was being said and happening was impacting on his clients.

When he settled down behind his desk Zack couldn't even smile when Mika came into his office. He did take the coffee with a 'thanks'. When Mika gave him a light hug he sighed. "Thanks but I need some time to calm down. I can't talk about it but this trial is really starting to stress me out. I might apply for some leave once this is over and go home for a few weeks. How does that sound?" Zack hated being so short and irritable and especially with his husband.

Mika settled for making sure Zack had everything he needed. "I understand love and I hope the trial is over soon. As far as going earth side I like that idea." He quietly left the office so Zack could do what he needed to. Mika found it upsetting as well though more because he had seen how stressed Zack had been. He had seen it at night when they were relaxing as well as Zack's not sleeping well.


Moments before Holcum left the courtroom his cat forced him to turn and let out a low angry snarl at Williamson. He forced his way out of the courtroom before he finished changing. When he did change it was fast and hard. Neither Holcum nor his cat was going to take any chance with something happening to their mate. They scooped Mila up and pulled her to their chest and gave her a good sniff. He sent as much love as he could to her. He was too worked up at the moment to do much else. Thankfully the p-way was high enough his head didn't touch the top.

Leo glanced at the two Kitsunes before turning back to Holcum. He didn't want them involved unless needed. "Holcum follow me." He made that an order and started towards the Hall of Thoughts. Leo considered his options and had briefly contacted Daichi about where to go. They had quickly decided the private room for the supernatural would be best. Ayaka was leading them with Daichi following behind. Due to the command Leo knew Holcum would follow.

Mila wasn't surprised when Holcum changed but she was so tied up with her memories at the moment she didn't care. All that mattered was that she was out of that room and away from that bastard and in her mates arms. She wrapped her arms around Holcum's neck and pressed her face against the fur. Mila inhaled his scent and let his love flow over her. She curled even closer to his chest and let his strength comfort her.

The Cadet - The Officers 1 #watty2015Where stories live. Discover now