t h r e e

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As I walked into school, I took notice of all the stylish and beautiful girls that attend. Tall, blonde, and skinny girls where looking at me as if I were an alien. I kept walking until I was in the courtyard, starting junior year fresh was going to be hard and I already knew it. Suddenly I realize that I have no clue where the main office was, I had gotten an email telling me to report there first thing today. That's where I was going to get my schedule, as I scan the campus, I see Liam walking towards me with a smile on his lips, "c'mon babes, I'll walk you to the office" he says a slow British accent. I look up at him, "I must look as confused as I feel" I ask and turn to let him guide me.

As we walk to the office, people stare at us, well actually at me. I'm the chubby girl who's walking with this god next to me. "Um..are you a junior too?" I ask, in hopes that I can spark up a conversation. "Yeah, junior year it is" he says as he looks down at me, his eyes glittering like liquified gold. He looks down at me, looking into my eyes, "You have really pretty eyes." he says, his vice smooth and calm. I blush, the heat in my cheeks evident, "uh- thanks" I whisper.

We reach the office, he holds open the door and waits for me to walk in , "you'll want to talk to Mrs. Payne, she knows everything" he smiles. You walk up to the counter, Mrs. Payne is a kind looking older lady, she gives me all the information, a new locker, a school map, and last but not least she asks her grandson, who just happens to be Liam, to be my guide for the first week of school. I'm confused by the news that he's her grandson, they do look alike, the kind golden brown eyes. He agrees, and kisses her on the cheek and leads me out of the office. "Here let me see your class schedule" he asks as he takes the paper from my hands, "hey! We literally have the  same schedule, how weird" he tells me as he walks down the hall. First period, English class, where I get to do that awkward introduction thing in front of the class. Always fun.

The day goes on and on, the only good thing that has happened is that Liam is by my side the entire day. I think he can tell I'm prone to getting lost. As we head down the hall to the cafeteria, a tall beautiful blonde girl walks toward us, her smug look confused me until she reaches us and attacks Liam's face. They share an all too passionate kiss, leaving me standing there, can you say awko taco?! She finally has the manners to let go of Liam, her hands around his shoulders, "I've missed you Li" she whispers, batting her fake lashes at him. He gives me a quick apologetic look, "uh- yeah, I've been helping Juliet get to know the school since it's her first day" he says, his accent making the words rich. The blonde bimbo looks at me, up and down, and smirks, "oh. Hi I'm Rose, Liam's girlfriend." She stresses the word 'girlfriend', talk about possessive. Her tight smile showing no emotion, "hi, I'm Juliet" I say, as I smile falsely back at her.

Liam clears his throat, "well why don't we continue with the tour Jul?" He says as he leads me down the hall, Rose basically hanging onto his hand. "Well babe, Im gonna go eat with the group, I'll see you later" she says as she gives him a possessive kiss. Liam shyly smiles at me, and I return a nice smile.

The day ends, and I'm at the library trying to check out the books I need for my classes, Algebra, Physics and a Geography text book, plus two workbooks, oh dear I didn't plan this out right. They're too heavy, struggling my way out of school, towards my car, as I exit the building I hear someone call my name, I turn around and drop some of my books, Liam runs over and starts to pick them up, "thanks again Liam" I say as he walks by me towards my Range Rover, I click the button on my key and the back starts to open up, I place my books in and he does too. "No problem" he smiles, "I just wanted to make sure you got your books but I saw you walking" he says. "Yeah, I didn't know I needed a while library to go to school!" I say, and he chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you got them, I've gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow right?", he looks into my eyes, "yeah of course, once again, thanks for everything Liam" I smile and he nods and walks toward his black Audi.

As I park in the garage and walk into my house, I wonder why he was so nice to me. A guy like him doesn't even notice girls like me, simple as that. I change into PJs and sit on my bed, bringing my MacBook on my bed, I log into tumblr. I spend my afternoon going over everything that happened today, a whole new beginning for me. And all I knew is that I was friends with the hottest guy at school. He was nice to me and helped me out, and for some reason I knew I was already thinking of him as more than just a friend.

Oh no.

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