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After being overrunned by the governor you got separated from Carl, weeks passed you kept on looking for anyone from the prison but failed, You went from house to house whenever you run into a town to look for food and supplies, and kill walkers on your path. You run to a house, and looked inside over through the windows and found three walkers you quietly opened the door and stabbed a walker in front of you on its skull, You went in the living room and killed the remaining two walkers. You heard a couple of moan from upstairs as you cursed under your breath and was cornered by five walkers from upstairs, you used your gun with a silencer and shoot at their heads. You were lucky enough that you had a gun with you, but unfortunate because you only have few bullets with you, You sat on the chair, remembering the others at the prison

*You went to help Carl and Rick do some farming, you two would tease each other while working, Carl was a year younger than you and you were 3 inches taller than him, you'd call him 'Shrimp' or 'junior' because you were sujpposed to be his senior if this never happened. "Carl!" You exclaimed laughing, when Carl was mimicking a walker because he's face is full of dirt, it made you giggle "hey [Y/N]" Carl called you "hm?" "You know I love you, right?" You blushed "yeah? God, dont make me blush!" You ounched him slighyly on the arm "ow! Well.. If anything happens.. I mean ANYTHING. If we get separated and et reunited again, our feelings will still be mutual, right?" He asked as you rolled your eyes, sighed and hugged him, giggling "of course~ of course, my shrimp" you said as you pecked his cheek as you both hear a clearing of throat "we still have work to do" Rick interrupted, smiling as you two broke away, blushing, looked at each other and laughed continued on your work.

*You were on a run with Maggie, you two would chat and you both were thankful that you run to a couple of wakers "You sure have a long bangs, [Y/N] its blocking your cute face, sweetie" she said stroking you hair. "Will Maggie cut it for me?" You asked cutely, acting like a 7th yeat-old kid asshe giggle softly "sure thing" she smiled

At the Prison, Maggie started cutting your bangs, to show your face "there" she said, brushing your hair and brushed your banhs to the side "you look cute now" she said, giggling as Glenn comes in and hugs her from behind and pecks her cheek "hey" he said "Hi, Glenn" you giggled as Glenn look at you "oh, nice look,[Y/N]" he complimented as you gave him a thanks and went to Carl to see him blushed at how pretty you are now.

*Darryl was training you to get good aim on walkers with a bow he just got the last time he went on a run with Glenn and Carl. He got it for you with loads of arrows. You shoot at 3 walkers on their heads from the nigthwatch but missed two at first try. "remember, Sunshine, you have to get your arrows back when there's no more walkers roaming around the area so you wont get low on ammo too quickly, got it?" He pets you as you nodded with a smile "thanks, Darryl" you said hugging him after as he hugged you back "thats, my girl"

*"Hershel??" You called, peeking from the doorframe to see the old man "what is it, dear?" He asked, smiling. You walked to him and you shyly looked down "Can you teach me how to treat wounds and medicine? I want to be able to help you guys" you said, looking at him asnhe chuckles "of course" he said then taught you first about the basics then in few days he gave you lessons and would lwet you treat the wounded.

*You, Lori, Maggie and Carl got stuck in a room after being crawled by walkers, Lori had to give birth 'no...this is the wrong time..baby..dont get out now.. Get out when we get back safe' you thought panicking "Maggie.. You have to.." Lori said,Maggie cried she had no supplies for delivering the baby, she had to cut her "C-Can you just.. Tell the baby to delay for a while?..." You painfully joked, Lori chuckled and motioned you to sit at her side as you did so "[Y/N]... Please take good care of Carl..." She said as you nod "I promise to protect him.. I promise.." You cried, Lori was a mother to you and this happened, She made you lean down a bit and kissed your forehead "You've been a great daughter to me... Please.. Be a sister to my baby.." You nodded then talked to Carl as you guarded the door next. You would help Maggie but you weren't taught about delivering a baby yet.

You left the room after hearing a gunshot and looked back to see Carl on his awful state walking with you outside, you held his hand with a tight yet warm squeeze. As you went to see the other group. Rick found out about what happened, shocked while Carl cried, you hugged him, you couldnt say anything for him. You don't know what to say for him. You never knew your parents, you were raised by your Aunt who was abusing you until she got eaten when the outbreak started and found Darryl and Merle. "I'm..sorry.." Was all you could muster, He let go after seeing a walker walking to your group then gave it a shot, he wanted revenge but Rick stopped him, taking his gun away, Carl hugged him, crying as he hugged back, calming him "Maggie.." You asked, crying "I...want..to be stronger...for...for Carl..and to protect you guys..." You said tears forming, clenching your fists, looking at the sky, she hugs you as you cried to her, hugging back, Beth hugs you as well.
=End of Flashback=

You cried silently, "Carl.. I wish you're safe.." You said

『Author's Notes』

I'm really bad at describing things about 'action' sooo Forgive me and hope ya like it.


Added some paragraphs, made major edits and will still be editting soon when I get to. =)

*Darryl is a father figure, to those who are confused.
*I might not be able to fix the book due to working on fixing another fanfic book

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