it's mommy's day

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there you go again driving Anger through her broken vessels ( careful, don't you overdose now. ) and there's only so much they can take before they split and spill the apologies she's violently locked into the cells of her body. there are scars from your selfish scorns and you were her harbour but now you've left her digging graves into my skin. how could you have tainted your daughter's happiness in that way? there are crumbled wooden blocks and dollhouses that have fallen apart once you drew the line and you might as well forget the familiarity of the lines on your palms, she's forgotten how you looked like when you last smiled. her eyes hold gloating Misery and there are ghosts flitting across her face from when smiles come home to their haunt. holding secrets in her rib cage has been proving to be much of a disaster but there's not much of a choice left when you've sent Phantom Thoughts chewing at her heart. dear mother, it's been eight years of catastrophic communication and here's to one more. thank you for taking away all that mattered and maybe this year, you'll get to pick up my gentle bones and light them one by one till your darling daughter's all gone.

happy birthday mother.

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