Chapter 63/Him/Surrounded by Killer Robots

Start from the beginning

"Well this this ends the idea, that nature abours a vacuum. Hang on ...So how do domestic cleaning robots fired a missile?" I said. I don't think before the robot apocalypse I would have even considered saying that, times change.

Rockwood tilted his head for a second in consideration. "No, they are not that smart or organised. It's a bit like being taken down by cannon fire from a group of well-trained cats, both unlikely and if true, embarrassing. I doubt it was them. Still, this is not a good situation. My dad used to say never underestimate the slaughter power of valley of aggravated vacuum cleaners."

"He used to say that?" I said.

"No that's cyborg irony, I'm using digital air quotes." said Rockwood " I get like that in situations of my imminent death. "

"Look they are only cleaning robots what can they do sweep us to death?" I said.

"The New Mechanical Order weaponised them to act as house spies, saboteurs and fifth columnists. Get one riled and they can self-destruct. They dump all the current from the battery and go up like a Roman candle. You don't want to be around when that happens. They can reverse the current on the charger and dump that current in you and fry you. One or two your OK but that many it's just a wall of death. Do you want to know what all monsters hiding under your bed went? You've just been looking at them " said Rockwood wiping Kayla's forehead.

"So we're surrounded by wild, weaponised Roombas? That sounds like my idea of a fun weekend" I said.

I went over and plugged my collar into the wall. Then moments later the lights went and my collar.

"That wasn't me was it?" I said nervously looking around in the dark. 

"My best guess is they have tapped into the lithium-air batteries, must have sensed the electricity. They are trying to feed on it" said Rockwood.
There was a weird fusion between a bang a thud.

"That's the sound of the plane's batteries being dumped into one of them. That's one down 96,572 to go."

"OK, so not good. What can we do?" I said

"Hang tight for the moment. I can project a Bluetooth no -sweep barrier but I don't know for how long. It's hard to predict what they are going to do. When they start to flock they behave weirdly. I've seen videos of them sweep entire towns out of existence. You don't want to be in front of them if they stampede."

Trust me to be the one in high heels I can't take off, running before a stampede of wild weaponised Roombas. In this case, Rockwood was no better. The Kama llama is so balancing the books.

"What happens if there is no barrier?"

"They see the plane as something which needs to be tidied. We created a huge gash when we landed. If you look out the window they are using small rocks to fill it. Eventually, they will start to tidy the plane and then tidy us. We need to look for weapons to protect us." said Rockwood.

I could hear them outside.

"The Roombas are restless," said Rockwood looking at me the added "Don't' worry they wouldn't attack so early, they needed more charge to be lethal. They will spend most of the morning basking like lizards."

I started to look for something to use as a weapon. I found a crowbar and a very sharp looking raw carrot. Rockwood took the crowbar, while I got the sharp carrot. That kind of defined slavery for me. While I was looking I asked Siri how far we were from the nearest settlement. 

'180 miles', came the result.

I wondered what my chances walking 180 miles in 4 inch highs stilettos heels in blistering temperatures were? Answer, 'low'. There goes my best chance to run away, I wouldn't leave Kayla like this anyway. I was on 25% battery. I guess my GPS fix and punishments had taken a huge amount. I checked Kayla's collar she was on 20%. The collar shock which started her heart must have drained her's.

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