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So the twins has been asking me every since we left the park why they cant see nitaa or mikey and I don't want to tell them that mikey is keeping nitaa away from them. I don't want the twins around mikey since he thinks its cool to embarrass me in front of my children , I told mikey's mother that im leaving before I fuck her son up and be going to jail pregnant and all. I just don't understand like one minute mikey over here helping me up off the floor than he just act like I was never there like on my mother mikey real live played with me he tried fake call me out but little do he know I got something for his ass. I don't care how pregnant I am ass long as I walk this earth nobody in there right fucking mind will disrespect me because if I respect you than I should get the same thing in return in order for you too want it you have to give it. Im sitting up here going on and on about mikey dumb ass and wats going on when I should be getting ready to go the doctors to see wat im having , I got up off the couch and grabbed my purse and my keys as I walked out of the front door and locked it. I took the twins to school and came back home because im off today but I go on paternal leave next month and I know im in for a lot dealing wit these twins and a newborn baby that is just way to much. I am a strong ass woman so it aint nothing I cant handle I mean because after all I have been through why not be strong I mean after one of my close friends faked her own death and I thought I had no real friends and than my best friend I have known since I was in 6 grade just fuck our friendship up all around the board. She keeps secrets from me than turns around and sleeps wit my baby father like she set up here and called my kids her nieces and her godchildren than the killer I lost my best friend my only friend my right hand my mother. I just have been through so much in my life that I should be the last person getting treated the way im getting treated and that is the god honest truth for real like I don't regret nothing in life but I do wish I could have made some smarter decision in my life. I PULLED UP TO THE DOCTORS OFFICE.... I got out of the car and walked in the doctors office as I signed in and was sitting in the waiting room to be called so I can go home and take a nap before I have to go pick the twins up. The nurse called me as she took my weight and said Ms. Johnson your 6 months pregnant right , I shook my head and said yep I'll be 7 months in 2 weeks. The nurse said I asked because your weight is a bit much for you to only be 6 months , I said wat do you mean a bit much like am I obese or something. The nurse said it's something like that but last time you came to get weigh you wore 168 pounds that's when you were 3 1/2 months and now you're 219 pounds Ms. Johnson you gained. I cut her off before she could finish and said I can count i gained 51 pounds in 3 months but how does that make me obese I weighed nearly the same amount when I was pregnant wit my twin daughters and they were perfectly fine and so was i. The nurse said wait here in this room and the doctor will come in here and explain it to you because you aren't getting it. I set in the room thinking to myself like why is it that I keep gaining so much weight when I get pregnant but my main concern is wat is wrong wit my baby. The doctor walked in and said hey you nice to see you again as she shook my hand , I laid back on the table and said so is there a problem wit my pregnancy because I want to know. The doctor said okay before we do the sonogram I'm going to explain to you wat the problem is Ms. Johnson. The doctor pulled the chair up as I set up on the bed and said so explain to me wats going on , the doctor said so wit you being almost around the same weight you was the last time. I said look just get to the point doctor and stop sugar coding it , the doctor said okay so basically you're at risk of either getting a c-section or of one of you not making it out of the delivery room alive. I said not making it out alive are you serious right now , the doctor said you're only 6 months now and you're 220 pounds by the time you're 9 months you'll probably be 280 pounds and 20 more pounds added to that you'll be 300 pounds. I had tears in my eyes and said so basically I can't have my baby natural birth i have no choice but to get a c-section , the doctor said I'm afraid so Ms. Johnson I know you don't want to get a c-section but there is really no choice in the matter. I whipped my tears as i laid back on the bed and said fine no can we get to the sonogram , the doctor lift my shirt up and put that cold ass jelly on my stomach. I looked over at the monitor as I saw the baby on the screen , the doctor said okay so it looks like you're having a baby boy and he's going to be a chubby thing too. I had tears in my eyes and said a boy are you sure , the doctor said I'm sure as ever and here's some pictures of him. I whipped my tears as the doctor whipped the jelly off my stomach and said see you in 2 weeks , I stood up as I put the sonogram pictures in my purse and walked out of the room and schedule my appointment for 2 weeks and left out of the doctors office. I got in the car and was bout to pull off until my phone started ringing and I looked down it was a unknown number so I answered it. I said hello who is this calling me , a woman said you don't remember my voice young lady. I said no mam I don't so if you would tell me who this is I would remember , Mikey's mother said it's me Mikey's mother Denyce gave me your number because I wanted to know how you were doing after yesterday. I said ohh hey and I'm doing okay just left out of the doctors office , Mikey's mother said ohh yeaa so did you find out wat you're having I hope it's another beautiful baby girl. I said well it's not another beautiful baby girl it's a handsome baby boy , Mikey's mother was screaming wit excitement and said so have you told anybody else yet about wat your having. I said nope your the first one to know so you can tell everyone for me since you want to anyways because i know you do I can hear it in your voice. Mikey's mother said okay I will but how are you doing other than the doctors I mean , I said I'm okay just need some rest but how are you doing. Mikey's mother said im doing well thanks for asking but go get some rest and I'll talk to you and little bit letter okay , I said okay same to you as i hung up the phone.

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