A moment of silence!

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So Mikey sister's and brother convinced him to come and talk to me but the way that he was acting towards me once he got here made me think he's actually over me. I can't believe this it's so shocking to me that after all we've been through he just goin up and give up on me , after I set here all this time while he was sneaking in and out of this house while i set up here and got ignored and tried to act like nothing was goin on. I called Denyce and told her that she can text Mikey and tell him after wat he pulled showing up and acting all big and bad like he don't care well I still care about him always have and always will but for him to sit up here and think I'm cheating on him. He got another thing coming because he want to act like that well imma show you how its done in reality because he not bouta keep playing wit me real live and that's on my children. I never let nobody play wit me and you can ask my mother if she was here God rest her soul but I want to know out of everything I could have done he say cheat like when do I have time to cheat , when I open my eyes in the morning I get my kids up for school and I take them to school and go to work and don't get off until my children get out of school. After that homework is done dinner is being cooked and we eat and den its bath time and to bed we go I don't have time to be dealing wit another nigga and I'm still worrying about this nigga like that's crazy. Denyce called me back and asked me wat had happened wen Mikey came over and I told her that he was acting like he was all cold hearted and kept saying that I was cheating first so he knew it was his time to leave because he not bouta deal wit another nigga and we just got rid off king. Denyce said she was goin talk to Mikey about his respect towards other people and towards his family , I told Denyce don't even waist her breath because he is not goin listen to you and if he does let Mikey do him since he keep saying that I got pregnant because I'm the one who's been cheating and shyt. I was sitting on the bed thinking I keep trying so hard to not have no type of drama in my life but it just loves me , I am trying my hardest to not be violent towards Mikey because king brought that side of me out to the public and Mikey is goin make me act real crazy I'm telling yall some good shyt. I was sitting in the house while the girls was playing around the house , Denyce txted me and told she was coming to pick me and the girls up and she was goin to take us some where special and bring the girls a change of clothes and me too. In my head im like this girl better not take Mikey's house for real or I will cut her and her brother off just like that wit no problem or no hesitation , I txt her back and said okay because I was getting tired of being in the house and not being able to move my foot since its healed up a little. I can walk on it a little bit now just can't be on it to long or it will start falling asleep or start cramping up and I plan on sitting down because my feet or my back aint built for me to be standing anywhere. I got the girls dress and put there hair in two puff balls and it seem like it took me forever to get dress but I couldn't find no shoes to fit , I put the twins on a sweat suit wit some doc martins just Kah'Riyah had on a black sweat suit wit some black shoes and Rah'Kiyah had on a dark blue one wit some black shoes. I had on a white t-shirt and some dark blue jeans wit my black old navy sweater and my black doc martins and my hair was in one big puff ball , I didn't have no makeup on or nothing all I had was some lip balm and that was it. IN DENYCE CAR..... Denyce was driving and she pulled up to this park where it was a lot of people like they was having a cook out. I got out the car as I grabbed both of the twins hand , I said Denyce where are we going and wat are we here for. Denyce walked up to a woman and said hey mother where is my little brother , I said mother Denyce please don't tell me you brought me. Denyce said to our family reunion girl yesss and say hey to my my mother , I looked at her and said hi you doing mam. Mikey's mother said who is this Denyce? , Denyce said ma this is Mikey's fiancé and she's 6 months pregnant. Mikey's mother said fiancé? And baby mother Mikey never told me about you and who are these pretty babies. I said I bet you he didn't tell you that but these are my daughters , Mikey's mother said Denyce when you see Mikey around tell him that I need to talk to him because I have grand babies and I didn't even know about them. I said no mam these aren't Mikey's daughters these are my daughters but the baby I'm pregnant wit is Mikey's and I've been taking care of Mikey's biological daughter too but she's not in my custody anymore. Mikey's mother said biological daughter Mikey doesn't have any kids other than the one your saying your pregnant wit now. Denyce said ma he does and she is 9 and they've been taking care of her for awhile now but maybe you really need to talk to Mikey because he thinks renaee is cheating on him. Mikey's mother said cheating on him now why would he think that , I said because he separated himself from me and the girls for a while and he came back and i was in the hospital because my daughters father shot me and almost took my shoulder off and a week after that I found out I was pregnant. Mikey's mother said sit down right here and Denyce take them babies over there and let them have fun , I set down next to Mikey's mother as she looked at my stomach and said do you know wat having baby girl. I said no mam I don't know yet i go tomorrow to see because of my foot injury , Mikey's mother said wat is wrong wit your foot. I said me and Mikey got into a altercation and I got a huge piece of glass stuck in my foot and than my foot got swollen and my cut opened up and I couldn't be on my feet for a week but I told the doctor that I had to take my daughters back and forth to school and I have to go to work so them taking me off my feet is not good. Mikey's mother said I know that is right baby girl but why is it that Mikey has never told me about you or these beautiful babies. Denyce walked up and said ma Mikey just pulled and he is acting real stubborn ma so I don't know if he goin come over because renaee right here. Mikey's mother said tell him I said come here right the fuck now before I get my old ass up out of this chair and it's not goin be pretty. Denyce walked off and I set there looking at Mikey's mother and was like she's nice but I hope Mikey don't sit up here and lie to these people about me. Mikey walked up to his mother holding Nitaa's hands and said wat ma , Nitaa screamed "mommy" and let Mikey's hand go and gave me a hug. I hugged her so tight like I didn't want to let her go I just really missed her so much , the twins ran over screaming "NiNi" as they hugged her too. I let go of Nitaa and said I missed you so much baby , Nitaa said mommy I missed you so much can I come home with you. Mikey looked at me and didn't say anything , Mikey's mother said so you wasn't going tell me that I had grand babies even doe there not yours. Mikey said ma come on now really so she got in the mist of her little sceem too and from the looks of it your believing every word. I looked at him and said sceem first of all your sister brought me here and I didn't tell her anything your sister did so you can cut that bull shyt out. Mikey said first it was my sisters and than my brother and now my mother really like if your cheating that's fine you don't have to keep trying to be apart of my family. I stood up as I moved Nitaa out of the way , Mikey's mother said Mikey you need to watch wat you say out of your mouth this is still a female and I know you see all these children right here. Mikey said ma I'm tired of yall keep trying to save her , I stood in his face and said aint nobody gotta save me from shyt I'm grown taking care of mines and yours fuck you talking bout. Denyce walked up and said Mikey now you know I done been through it all wit you because I'm still the only one who still keeps in contact with you , Mikey looked at her and said ma like I said I'm not bouta keep dealing wit her. I said dealing wit her ? Ohh so I was her when I went and pick up your child from the Foster care while her mother set in our face and fucking lied about being a crackhead and about being her got damn mother. I started crying and said was I her when you needed that car really bad so I let you have mines while i missed work for two weeks really after all I did for you. I grabbed the twins hands and said after all I did you goin sit up and treat me like I'm nobody really when your daughter your daughter cried for a week because she was to scared to sleep in her own bed but who helped her me not you me because you were to busy and you just ignored us. I walked away towards Denyce car as Mikey's mother said no baby girl come back because Michael is goin to apologize to you right the hell now.

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