Some best friend you have..

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So it's been a couple of days since I whooped king and and his side kick Nicole ass , i haven't been worried about them doe because karma is a bitch. I have to worry about my daughters but I got king and his bitch Nicole , its Saturday and king think he's coming to get my daughters yeaa just watch and see. I got out the bed as I heard the twins running around with Mikey , I walked downstairs and said stop running around and sit down. Mikey kissed me on my cheek from behind and said Goodmorning babe , I said Goodmorning baby did the girls eat breakfast yet. Mikey said yeaa babe they ate we was just running around the house playing cops and robbers , I said ok baby just lower the noise I think I have a headache baby. Mikey said ok babe well be quiet uhmm is there sperm donor still coming to get them just asking because I wanted to know if I can take all my girls out today. I looked and said no he better not and he better not come over here either or imma fuck him up again and I'm not playing no games he keep thinking this shyt is funny but I'm hilarious so wassup. Mikey started laughing and said babe chill I got the girls and if he does come over here just let me know and imma handle it ok babe. I shook my head yes and open up the refrigerator and grabbed me something out of it to eat , I was finished eating and I went upstairs and took a shower. I got dressed and walked in Kah'riyah's room to see where the twins and Mikey were , the room was empty so I walked in Rah'kiyah's room. Both of the twins was sitting on the bed while Mikey was singing to them , I stood in the door way as he sung some song "I love the both of you and you will always mean the world to me". I said who's ready to get dressed and see where mike mike is surprisingly taking us , the girls jumped up and said yea mike mike. I got the girls dressed and ready to go as Mikey picked up the twins and walked out the door , I locked the door and when I got outside king was pulling as Mikey was putting the twins in there car seats. King walked up to the car and said where are yall taking them it's Saturday its my weekend , I opened the passenger door to Mikey's car and said yeaa you should've thought about that before you had people looking through my car and lying to me about my own kids. King grabbed the door and Mikey was bouta get out the car and I said get your hands off this car door so I can take my daughters out thank you and I suggest you back before you have one foot. King let the car door go as I climbed in the car and closed the door , I waved and said girls wave at daddy and they did as Mikey pulled off. LATER ON THAT DAY... We pulled up to the house and the twins were falling asleep , Mikey got out and got one of the twin and I grabbed the other twin. We walked in the house after Mikey locked the car doors , We went in the house and laid the twins down and we went in our room and fell asleep too.


I was woking up out my sleep to loud knocks on the door , I got out the bed to see Mikey still fast asleep and I walked down the hall to make sure it didn't wake the twins but they both were still asleep too. I got downstairs and looked through the peep hole to see Kaylen crying wit baby angelic holding her hand , I opened the door and said have you lost your mind banging on my door like that. Kaylen said Renaee I just got into a altercation wit trey and angelic was standing right there and he was acting like he didn't care at all like Fr. Kaylen and baby angelic came and set on the couch , I said tell me how it all started wat happened , Kaylen said he asked me wat was I doing which I was on the computer looking for a venue for treys birthday bash. I shook my head yes as she continued and said then I said I'm just googling a couple of things babe like that then he grabbed the back my neck and threw me on the couch and broke the laptop and said don't think I'm stupid I know your cheating on me. I stood up and said I would never cheat on you and you know that why would you think I'm cheating on you , he slapped me in front of angelic and said get tf out of my house right now and you only goin have my daughter until Friday ill be at your parents house to come pick her up. I stood up and said say no more stay here right quick and if Mikey ask where I'm at tell him why your here , I grabbed my metal bat out of hallways closet and picked my keys up on my way out the door. I got outside and got in the car and all I had on was my bedroom slippers and a tink top wit some pajamas pants , I knew if Mikey saw wat I had on he would be mad ass hell but he knows me and I'm not going like that. I PULLED UP TO TREYS HOUSE.... I got out the car and grabbed the bat and my keys as i locked the car door and walked up to the front door , I knocked on the door all light and I didn't hear anybody coming. I jiggled the knob a couple of times and the front door opened up on its own , I walked in looking for trey but nobody was in the living room but I heard somebody talking upstairs. I started walking up the stairs slowly so trey wouldn't hear me coming , I heard more talking as I got to the top of the stairs so I started to creep towards the room door. I got in front of the room door and noticed that the noise I was hearing was moaning , I pushed the door open all the way to see trey and Nicole in the bed having sex. Nicole grabbed the covers and said its not wat it looks like renaee I swear , I ran over and started hitting both of them wit the bat and said how fucking dare you dirty son of a bitch cheat on my best friend for kings sloppy seconds some best friend you are. I stopped swinging hitting them wit the bat and walked down the steps as trey was limping behind me and said renaee get back here now or imma fuck you up , I got to the bottom of the steps as king was coming in the house. Trey was limping down the steps and king walked up and saw me coming in the living room and said I cant not believe this so your sleeping with my best friend now because I don't want you anymore. I said boy please if you don't get the fuck on i have a good man no need for your sloppy ass so called best friend just to let you know it wasn't me he was sleeping wit. I laughed and said yeaa your little lurking ass gutta bitch the little car snooper was sleeping wit your best friend yep that's right your best friend some best friend you have. King got mad and looked at trey as I walked out the front door to see Nicole coming out the back door about to get in her car , I walked up and said you just love fucking up happy homes don't you and i bet you probably got kids out here and you trying help take my kids away bitch please. I walked off and got in my car before I laughed and then pulled out of the drive way and the first thing popped in my head so wat about poor little Kaylen and baby angelic like this is just crazy.

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