Chapter 2

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"Is there anything I can do to make you stay; or is your mind already made up?" Jane asked

I was ultimately confused and then it made sense. "Oh Jane, I want you to come with me. What kind of trip would it be if I was alone?" I asked then answered for her "It would be so boring without my best friend with me every step of the way."

"Really?" She asked as the venom cleared out of her eyes. "You really want me to come on a trip out of the castle with you?"

"Of course, should we go talk to my dad?" I asked and her face dropped.

"I don't think he is going to let you go Bella." She said

"Why not?" I asked

"Your the most important thing in the entire world besides your mom. Your his princess, do you really think he wouldn't let you go on missions for no reason?" She didn't give me time to respond "He loves you and doesn't ever want to see you hurt, he was already worried enough when you were human chilling with all of us vampires."

"Then we will just have to convince him to let us go out. I really want to travel the world. I might even find my soul-mate some where out there." I said and took a minute to ponder on that thought then continued on. "I haven't really left the castle grounds. Then there is the fact that there is the new diet, the vegetarian vampires. They might be able to help me change to what ever they feed off." I said

"Okay, okay Bella. You wont have to convince me, its your dad that we have to convince." Jane said

"Then lets go already!" I said and jumped off my bed, taking Jane by the wrist bringing her with me. I stared to run as fast as I could and dragged Jane along because I still had her wrist. I ran to my dads office door and knocked.

"Come in!" Dads soft melodic voice ran through the door. We walked in and I tried my best to remain calm. "Oh how is my princess?" He asked and I quickly shielded Jane's mind and well as my own as dad ran to embrace me.

"Hi daddy, will you go to the thrown room? I have something to share and I want everyone to be there." I said

"Yes my dear anything for you." He said and then added "Do you want me to collect anyone?" He asked

"Yes can you find mom, aunt Dora, Uncle Caius, and Uncle Marcus?" I asked "Jane and I will split up and find everyone else."

"Yes my princess, I am sure they will be delighted to join us in the thrown room." Dad said then we all ran in different directions to collect all the Volturi members to the thrown room.

When we finally all were in the thrown room I stood in the middle with Jane besides me. "Hi Jane and I have decided that we would like to travel the world." I said my voice echoing through out the spacious room. (pic, above but pretend the entire Volturi is in the room)

There were plenty of astonished faces, and low surprised gasps. I guess I did just drop a bombshell on them. Mom rushed right towards me to embrace me. "Oh sweetheart, are you absolutely sure that this is what you want?"

"Yes mom, I am 100 percent sure that I want to travel the world." I said

"Why?" Dad asked his voice soft and his face full of agonizing pain.

"Aw dad!" I said than ran to him and he stood in his chair anticipating my embrace. I latched onto him, I don't want him to feel melancholy. "I don't want to leave you but I want to travel the world. Its not because of anyone, I just want to travel. I haven't really been anywhere but Volterra, Italy." I said

"Bella if your going to go then we want every single reason!" Aunt Dora said

"Okay, reason one I want to travel. Reason two I want to meet knew people, as a normal vampire or possibly human. In a while you will be announcing me as the princess and I want a chance to meet people see how they act before announcing that I am a royal. Reason three I might be able to find my mate, wouldn't that be wonderful though?" As I said that moms expression lightened "Reason four-" I was cut off.

"If you do find your mate and he dares to hurt you even a little, even if he is human, he will die. I will kill him before he has the chance to hurt you again!" Dad said and his eyes flashed pitch dark and then back to his normal red color. "Sorry for interrupting my princess, what was reason four?" He asked and turned to see my horror ridden face.

"Look what you did Aro!" Mom said and ran to embrace me. "Don't worry sweetheart your mate will never harm you in any way shape or form. Another thought to ponder I wont allow your dad to harm your mate."

"Good thing she didn't add her uncles." Uncle Caius muttered and moms and dads head snapped to Caius.

"I wont let Caius hurt whoever your poor mate is." Aunt Dora said and I gave her this face. I guess I am a really terrible person, aren't I? No one not even my mate will want to be with me!

"Athenodora!" Mom scolded "Worry not sweetheart your mate is going to love you. Your an amazing princess of course he will love you! Aunt Athenodora just meant that you are overly protected." Mom said, then the thought what if I didn't contact home at all. Would my mate hate me? "There's Aro, uncle Caius, Uncle Marcus, all the guard, aunt Athenodora, and myself. Your even more protected then aunt Athenodora and me.

I cleared up my head then continued o for five more reasons. Not all of them are important so I wont tell you, but one was I wanted to change my diet. I had to expand more and they told me I should visit the Denali and Cullen Covens. I want to visit the Denali's first, it would be quiet fun. They have three girls and two 'parents.'

We were given rules. Rule one Jane stays by me. Rule two I have to come home for every holiday, weather the holiday is from the country I'm in or from Italy. Rule Three I have to call single day, if I miss more than twenty four hours then I have to come home right that second. Rule four I must stay happy at any cost, if it means shorting the trip or extending the trip. Uncle Marcus earned a thriving amount of glares for that one. Rule five I must let them know at least what state or city I am in. Rule six they have to be notified when I find my mate, otherwise they will track us down and kill him.

After the rules and hugging Jane and I went to pack. I pulled Jane into a closet to talk to her real fast. "Jane, were going to break a few rules." I said

"Okay . . ." She said seeming hesitant.

"Its like were running off but they were given a small heads up." I said really fast but slow enough that she would still understand.

"How are we going to get out of the castle?" Jane asked

"Well were going to pack minimal baggage. So two bags max. Then if anyone asks we are going to buy a lot of clothes and ship them here. Then meet me in my room with your bags please. See you in five minutes." I said

"But Bella." Jane whined

"Jane, no but's your in my room in five minutes or I am breaking rule one. I don't want to but I will if I must." I said

That sobered her up and she ran out of the closet. I ran to my room and started to pack a small purple duffle bag and my favorite black messenger bag full of my favorite things and clothes. The string bag is holding 'Wuthington heights', a small journal full of old memories, my newer laptop, pencils, at least nine K, a camera, and a brand new camera.

Jane was in my room just when I started to zip up my nearly empty duffle bag. "Come on, were going to run to the airport." I said leaving a note behind.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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Isabella Swan Meets Aro Volturi (Re-tell)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang