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     Mom and myself just pulled up in the car to the apartment. The outside of the apartment building was a cream color and there was an ally right across the street. Sometimes when I grow super board because mom almost never lets me leave the house I watch the people enter and exit.

     Like right now. Mom set me on the curb with my vanilla ice cream cone. the ice cream cone is chocolate but the ice cream is vanilla! In the ally they are always cloaked unless it is twilight or later, they only have the cloaks on when the sun is up know that I think about it.

     There are was one teen and one around 20 who emerged from the ally and I watched. They were glancing around as if they were looking for some sort of threat. One of there cloaked faces landed on mine. I have seen him before with out his cloak on. He is super buff, and red flashing eyes like the rest.

     He turned around just as the three adults, like really old guys, walked out of the ally. They turned to face me. I never have seen there faces and I would go over there but before mom left me on the curb she told me "don't get of the curb." I can't really see there faces so I squirm trying.

     The girl teenager is about 16 and she was up front. her head flashed to the adult in the middle and then she to turned her entire body to look at me. She looked me straight in the eyes flashing her signature grin right before one of her friends falls to the ground looking to be in pain.

     I feel an odd tingling in my brain but I fight it out and then the girl fell to the ground. I stopped and straightened my back and glared at my ice cream. I just hurt someone a lot bigger than me and it's not nice to hurt anyone!

     Someone sat by me and I looked to the side, it was the girl who I put on her knees somehow. I just continued to glare at my ice cream. "You know my name is Jane and my head master from school was wondering if he could talk to your mom?" She asked

     "I am sorry for hurting you, I don't know what happen. Oh and my mom is inside we bought lots of food and she is un-loading it all." I explained

     "What is your name?" Jane asked

     "Isabella, but I don't like my full name mom calls me Bella unless she is mad then it is Isabella." I said

     "Can you walk me through what happen a few minutes ago?" Jane asked

     "Sure you gave me that grin that you give to your friends before they fall and scream in pain." she seemed shocked that I knew that, oh well. "Then I felt a tingling in my brain, it didn't hurt it was just really annoying so I pushed it out and I think . . . I think that's how I attacked you. I am so sorry!" I said and hugged her around her waist she is so cold! "You should take the cloak off and heat up in the sun." I said

     "I love the cold, it is what my cloak gives me." She said then mom came out.

     "Isabella I told you no talking to strangers." Mom said

     "She isn't a stranger she is Jane." I said trying to play the whole I don't know I am just your little girl card.

     "Sweetie we will talk about it inside, come on Isabella." Mom said signaling for me to come over to her.

     "By Jane, mom says I have to go." I said

     "Wait Ms. my head master sent me to find new recruits for our school will you talk to him?" Jane asked

     "NO! We are doing fine with home school." mom said fast in a worry.

     "Mommy? Mommy please go and talk to the headmaster who ever that is or means?" I asked playing dumb.

     "He is the principle sweetie." Mom said

     "Head Master Aro!" Jane called and the three adults came walking over the street. 

     "Jane turn Bella around and gather her things." the guy in the middle said as he touched the guys next to him hands. I heard mom screaming but Jane kept me hidden from view and had me lead her to my apartment's room.

     "Okay Bella I want you to gather everything you want to take to your new home, okay?" Jane asked crouching just a little to look at me.

     "What were those guys doing to my mom?" I asked

     "Having her change her mind, she isn't screaming any more because she it only hurts for a second." Jane said

      "Pink-y promise?" I asked holding out my pink-y

     "What is a pink-y promise?" Jane asked

     "It is when if I found out you broke the promise I get to break your fingers." I said

     "Okay pink-y promise." Jane said and we took our pink's up and down together like a hand shake.

     Jane followed me to my room and laid on the other twin bed while I cleaned up my side of the room, packing. "Where is your dad?" Jane asked

     "Mom always said he was is the United States. She said he was a bad man and I would never want to get to know him, because he does bad things. She also told me not to call him dad but Charlie." I said "Mom and him were married, and then after a month after me being born mom broke things off." I added

     "I think you always know more to a situation than you let on, is that all you know for sure?" Jane asked

     "Well if his name is charlie and my last name is Swan then there has to be some sort of connection like his name could be Charlie Swan. I just never have the chance to be on the computer because mom always is and I don't know the password other wise she would be hovering over my shoulder." I said

     "Do you think that your dad is a bad man?" Jane asked

     "I don't know I only knew him for a month when I was really young I can't remember it." I said

     "Well I will figure out for you Bella how about that?" Jane asked

     "That sounds cool, thanks Jane!" I said and then I was done and she said were going to do a piggy back, and I had to close my eyes. It also seemed really fast but she said it took a long time. I don't know if I believe her quiet yet?

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