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Last time on Mashton's Kids...

Calum came down the hall, yawning as he rested his head on Michael's shoulder. Since Ashton returned he could be a teenager again, without household responsibilities to worry about. It was a weight off his shoulder, but he was also a bit clingy since everything blew over.

"You know, Cal, you can tell us anything. We want to know what's going on in that head of yours,"

"I'm aware of that. We talked about what the rest of your punishment is going to be..."

I'm back for a bit.

Ashton and Michael offered the boy their apologies and tried to comfort him, obvious telling him he had two more spankings coming wasn't going to make him feel too hot, but they hadn't expected Calum to blow up like that. He was usually the one acting calm and collected no matter how bad a situation got.

Calum was currently crying in Michael's arms, coming down from his outburst. He felt bad for going off like that, he was having such a bad day, it really seemed like people were out to get him.

Usually, he didn't bother to really communicate with his family. Calum slowly grew out of needing their attention, but his parents were starting to see that wasn't completely true. Calum was hiding stuff from them and going behind their backs, and doing things Luke wouldn't even think about doing.

Calum wanted to be tough, he hung out with Liam to try to achieve that status, he smoked, which still remains and unknown to his parents which he is glad for. With Luke in the picture, he didn't see the need to try to be good. He didn't have to impress his parents, Luke could do that. He was adorable, smart, and well-behaved. Even though they really were not expecting their son to be gay, they still accepted his decision.

Michael was pondering what he should do. It seemed like Calum just wasn't getting enough attention. Somehow, everything shifted to Luke with his nightmares and boyfriend, it was harder to notice Calum who did things more independently.

The boy calmed down and sat up against the headboard. "I'm o-okay now," Calum muttered, wiping away his previous tears. Ashton held the boy on his lap.

"You know, Cal, you can tell us anything. We want to know what's going on in that head of yours," He spoked as he brushed Calum's hair from his face. The kiwi-boy only nodded in response.

"I think this one time, we are going to drop the rest of your punishment," Michael interrupted. Honestly, he didn't think him or Ashton could do that to Calum and he had fessed up for his crime; it seemed reasonable.

Calum visibly became less tense. He thanked his parents whole smiled at their son and told him to get dressed.


"Luke, can we trust you and Niall alone for a little bit?" Ashton asked the blonde who blinked in response, never being left alone before.

Niall spoke up, "Can Luke come over to my house? I really want him to meet my parents. They're responsible, like you, sir, you can trust them to watch us."

"I'm not opposed to that idea. We'll leave in a little bit," Ashton declared. Niall happily hugged Luke.

"Oh my gosh! You are going to love my dads!" Luke chuckled at Niall who was bouncing around ecstatically.

Michael, Ashton, and Calum were all wearing a dark pair of skinny jeans and a band shirt. Somehow the two adults managed to pull it off.

They dropped Luke off at Niall's. The blonde had been ecstatic about Luke meeting his gay fathers, Louis and Zayn.

Michael and Ashton decided they needed to sit Calum down and give him a talk. Not just any talk.. the talk. The one that could give them grandchildren if they weren't cautious with their words. Calum was sensing his parents' anxiety. He coughed to gain their attention.

"Hi love," Michael spoke from the passenger seat. Calum was directly behind him in the family car.

"Everything okay or...?"

"Peachy! Just peachy!" Ashton reached over and turned up the radio.

"Are you sure-"

At that Ashton turned the volume up and ignored the boy until they reached the house. Michael shook his head but didn't say anything.

"Let's cut the tension, Calum. We need to have a certain talk with you," Michael began. The kiwi boy nodded for him to continue. He was on the couch while his parents paced the room, figuring out how they should start.

Ashton's nerves got the best of him. "Do you know how sëx works? Like, with a man and a woman... Assuming you're straight that is... I mean, would you ever stick it in a man? I think you're straight but if you're not that's okay... This is the talk!"

Michael's jaw dropped. Calum fought to keep the smirk off his face. Ashton rubbed his head.

"Oh, so this is the talk?" Calum folded his arms over his head and crossed his legs. "Where's this going?"

"We know you posted those nudes for a reason... Just lie to us, tell us you're a virgin so I can sleep tonight!" Michael pleaded with the raven haired child.

"Cross my heart and swear to die. I'm a real life virgin. You want my autograph? I'm a pretty rare species of teenage boy." Ashton and Michael both let out a breath they hadn't realized they were holding in.

Ashton sat on Calum's right while Michael took the left. "When you do lose it please use protection, and you should have your um girlfriend or fiance or wife taking the pill..." Ashton said seriously.

"Never trust the 'pull-out method'," Michael lectured. It took all Calum had to not smirk at that.

"Why not?"

"How do you think Luke happened?" Ashton snapped.

"Oh lord. Stop."

"Ashton, shut up," Michael ordered. He was snickering to himself as Calum chuckled.

"I think I understand guys. I think I'm asexual anyways, I'm not really into anyone, I think that's what it's called," Calum suppressed a lot of his parents' worries with his words. Ashton kissed the top of his head. Michael followed suit and they somehow ended up cuddling on the couch for hours watching movies.

Fluff! I'm only gonna be on a short time.

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