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Hey all, once again it's me

Ashton was dreading today, he had an argument with Michael, his own kids hate him, and now Michael might want a divorce. Ashton doesn't want to get a divorce, he loves Michael, and he loves Calum and Luke. Even if they all hate him, he's going to make it all up to them.

Ashton was laying in bed awake, he had to think of something to do to make everyone happy again, to make them all love him again. Ashton was broken from his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "You can come in" Ashton called, Ashton looked up, and saw Luke standing there. Ashton smiled. "Bre-Breakfasts re-ready" Luke stuttered, Ashton nodded his head. He quickly got a t-shirt on, before joining Luke.

"Do you want me to take you out later?" Ashton questioned, Luke bit his lip and shrugged. "How about after school, I pick you up from school and we go bowling?" Ashton smiled. Luke just shrugged. "Is it going to be the two of us?" Luke asked. Ashton was watching him closely, and he saw the fear in Luke's eyes. He needed to make Luke trust him again. "Yeah, yeah it will be" Ashton replied.

As soon as Ashton and Luke got downstairs, they were welcomed by shouting. "Why are you making a massive deal out of it? I only was out for a couple of hours, I'm sorry that I went out, I know I was grounded but I didn't want to stay in the house with Ashton," Calum screeched.

Michael and Calum had been at war with Calum's sneaking out last night. "That's not the point, you knew you were grounded and you were suppose to stay in. Calum I have enough to deal with; you breaking the rules doesn't help anything" Michael sighed.

Calum raised his hands up in frustration. "Well I have a problem with dad but you don't see me complaining, we all hate him, why don't we just kick him out?" Calum spat. He knew he was being mean and hurtful, but he didn't care right then.

"Cal please, just calm down okay? I get that me and your dad are going through stuff, but we're going to sort it, I'm going to give you a spanking for disobeying the rules though," Michael explained. Calum let out a loud groan.

"Unbelievable, so it's okay for Ashton to hit Luke, and shout at Luke. But when I get out of the house, because I'm scared Ashton will hit me, you punish me, but not him? You know what I'm done, this family's stupid. Come on Luke we need to go," Calum hissed.

"Did you really mean it? Like how we're going to sort things out? Are we going to stay together?" Ashton questioned.

"Ash please, just stop asking questions okay? I don't want to talk about it, we're going to talk about it when I want to. Look, I'm going to get some sleep, because if you haven't realised Luke had another bad dream last night, and he was up for half the night," Michael spoke.

Luke was tired, he hadn't had a proper sleep in god only knows how long. It wasn't his fault, he did go to sleep and he did mange to get a little bit, but every time he closed his eyes, he got horrible images in his head. They caused him to wake up screaming, crying, and wetting the bed.

He was just so tired, he hadn't slept in forever, and he looked like a zombie, dead. Luke was sitting in math, it was superbly boring, maybe he could just try and sleep. Well not sleep, maybe he could close his eyes, it would only be for about five minutes, that wasn't too long.

If Luke did sleep for that long, it'd make him less tired, it would only be five minutes, just five minutes. That's all. Luke closed his eyes, he was only going to close them for a few minutes, no one would even notice anyway.

That's what he did, he did close his eyes, no problem, no problem at all.

Unfortunately, that didn't last long.

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