Chapter Ten

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Sliding further in Michael's arms, Calum sighed shakily. So far he's been in trouble twice this week and he was starting to hate his father's for spanking him. All the kiwi boy wanted was to have fun, go out with his friends, and live life to the fullest. But then tweedle dee, and tweedle dum came along and all of his life's aspirations went away.

Luke whined when Ashton got up to leave him. He was still crying, dreading getting up. "Dad," he pouted.

Ashton shook his head. "I'm not rewarding that behavior, Luke. We can cuddle later but not right now."

With that, Ashton walked out, almost running into Michael on the way. "How did it go?" Michael shrugged. Ashton shrugged back.

"I'm going to go finish dinner," Michael announced awkwardly.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Ashton teased, shaking his hips slightly.

"Nothing if you keep distracting me," Michael complained.

Calum borrowed Ashton's phone to call Liam, saying it was an emergency, when really they were just making plans for the party that would be going down soon. After five minutes Ashton made grabby hands at his cell phone impatiently. Calum reluctantly said bye as he gave it to his dad.

"Girlfriend or something?" Michael teased.

  Calum groaned, "no, just Liam."

"I don't trust that Liam kid," Ashton grumbled.

Luke was in his room still crying. He was mad at his dad, mad at the world, and just mad in general. When Michael called him down for dinner he simply kicked the wall, hating everyone.

"LUKE!" Michael tried again.

"M'not hungry!" Luke shouted down the stairs. Michael sighed as he jogged up the stairs, nearly out of breath when he reached Luke's room.

"What do you want?" The blonde spat.

"Drop the attitude for one, and two, come eat."

"I'm not hungry!" Luke repeated.

Michael crossed his arms, "I don't care. Get your butt downstairs, now." The fourteen year old stayed on the bed, he had no intention of going downstairs and seeing Ashton. If he had to go on a hunger strike to accomplish that, then so be it.

Before Luke had time to process what was happening, Michael lifted him onto his knee and smacked his bum. Luke hissed in pain as he staggered to get up. His eyes were glossy, he followed Michael downstairs.

Luke decided to play shy, gripping onto the back of Michael's shirt once they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Sit at the table now, or I will spank you." Michael threatened. Luke went over, sitting close to Calum. Ashton gave Michael a look, to which the younger man shook his head.

It had been twenty minutes and Luke. hadn't eaten anything. He pushed around the food on his plate, wishing they had a dog so he could give the food to it.

"Are you going to play with it or eat it?" Ashton questioned finally. Luke looked up, instantly regretting it. The look on Ashton's face was terrifying.

"I'm not hungry," Luke muttered.

"I don't care, you will eat anyways," Ashton declared. Luke rolled his eyes, still playing with his food. Calum and Michael left, figuring those two should fight out their own problems.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Luke asked with venom in his tone. "You're not mean to Calum! You're always mean to me!" The two of them sat, glaring at each other.

  "I'm fair with both of you, Luke," Ashton said through clenched teeth. Luke resorted to hissing at his father.

"Stop that," Ashton demanded. Luke hissed again, turning away from his parent. Michael came in and tried to calm Ashton down.

  "Luke, why are you hissing? Please stop," Michael pleaded.

"Now, turn around and start eating," Ashton added. Luke turned around but he refused to eat. He would go on strike if it would piss off his parents.

Ashton got up, losing his temper he grabbed Luke's elbow, dragging him to the living room. Michael tried to ease his husband, but he was far beyond the point of listening. "Let me go!" Luke screamed as he thrashed around. Michael stood in front of Ashton, trying to take Luke from him.

"He needs to listen to us. I am done with his behavior!"

"Okay, calm down first thou-"

"I AM CALM!" Ashton raged. Luke closed his eyes, ignoring his parents fighting. Calum glanced at his brother and then his parents. He was worried for Luke. He told Liam to hold as he set Michael's phone down.

Luke struggled until Ashton led him up the stairs. "Pl-please don't s-spank me," Luke. cried.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to." Ashton said as he drug Luke into the bathroom, sitting him down on the closed toilet seat.

"Remember what would happen when you hissed at people when you were younger?"

  Luke shook his head slowly, "I didn't mean to-"

"Really? I have a hard time believing that when you deliberately sat there, refused to eat, and hissed at me!" Ashton yelled.

"I want daddy," Luke muttered childishly.

Digging through the cupboards carelessly until he spotted the item he needed, Ashton grabbed the object and turned to Luke. Luke was sat with his head hanging as he waited.

"Why that one?" he protested. "Why not the blue one?" Ashton washed his hands before opening it.

Luke glared menacingly at the bar of soap in Ashton's hands. He kept shaking his head, but Ashton tapped his chin to get him to open his mouth. Luke didn't want to fight, he reluctantly opened his mouth and took the soap from his dad.

Ashton set a timer for five minutes on his phone while Luke fidgeted uncomfortably.

Michael entered the bathroom, feeling the urge to check on his son. Calum lingered in the hallway. It wasn't every day his parents focused on Luke. For Calum that was a good thing. He could plan a party with Liam and Harry while Luke distracted his parents.

Once the alarm went off, Luke jumped up, took the soap out, and rinsed his mouth. The awful lavender soap taste was strong. He hated it. He remembered it from when he was little. Ashton sighed, "Luke, no more problems tonight, okay?" Luke nodded with tears in the corners of his eyes. Ashton hugged him tightly as he rubbed his back.

"Yes, Liam, Saturday night is fine," Calum began, "They won't be home, trust me." Michael emerged from the hallway.

"Calum, what are you doing with my phone?"


"Sure," Michael answered, not believing that for a second as Calum hurriedly hung up.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. My spanish teacher loves assigning homework. Guys, I have a boyfriend. Idk how to feel about this. I thought I was asexual.

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