Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I couldn't ask for better readers, thank you all so much for your support. I'm here any time you need to talk.

Calum happily took the whole room to himself since Luke decided to cuddle with Ashton the rest of the night. He was more than excited for the party Liam, Harry, and him were planning. There was going to be alcohol, loud music, and sêx up the wazoo. Calum wasn't planning on drinking though, he just figured the alcohol would be good for drawing in guests.

The only problem: getting his parents out of the house in time.

Luke buried his face in Ashton's shirt. Ashton rubbed his back to comfort the boy. Luke was having a hard time adjusting to all the rules and consequences, and both his parents could see that. Calum didn't seem to really care about them as much. He wasn't offended by them like Luke.

There was a good chance he would have a nightmare, the blonde tried to stay awake, but from his lack of sleep it was getting hard. His eyes would close for several minutes before Luke would pop them open from shock or fear.

"Just sleep baby boy, please." Michael said as he saw Luke stuggling.

Ashton sat him up on his lap, "We're not going to fight you on this Luke. You have two choices; go to sleep or take a spanking and be sent to bed."

Luke glared at both his parents before shaking his head. "I'll go to sleep tomorrow."

"No, now." Luke wanted to scream and fight but he knew that would be pointless. He didn't respond, just closed his as he let Ashton soothe him into sleeping.

"What are we going to do?" Michael whispered.

"I'll pick up the pills Jessica suggested after work tomorrow, okay? Calum has soccer too, right?"

Michael nodded, "I can get the pills if you get Calum. I start working tomorrow."

Ashton bit his lip to stop himself from making the comment he was about to, instead saying, "I'm glad you found a job."

Michael smiled, "me too."


"If the hospital's really busy sometimes dad has to stay longer. Usually the weekends get busy, and my... mom is easily tricked, we'll think of something." Calum said. Liam and Harry nodded in response.

"Who will get the alcohol?"

"Dad keeps it all downstairs in the basement. I told you guys, I got this."

Liam cocked his head, "when your parents find out you're going to be dead."

"Well they're not going to find out, everyone from the party will be gone before they get back."

"What about Luke?" Harry questioned.

Calum shrugged, "I'll figure it out. No worries guys."

Luke chuckled at Niall. His best friend decided to try to do kartwheels down the science hallway. Mrs. Shoester came out of her room and frowned, "young man! stop spinning! I say, stop spinning!" She gasped as Niall stood up and wiggled his fingers over his head at her.

Luke ran over to Niall as Mrs. Shoester went to get the principal. "Okay, let's go to lunch now." Luke said, half dragging the Irish boy with him.

"That teacher is such a prick." Niall complained.

  "I know. She really seems to hate you too," Luke noted.

Niall suddenly jumped up, "Luke I have to tell you something!"

Luke laughed, "go ahead."

"My brothers invited me to a highschool party!" Niall gushed.

"Really?" Luke asked, slightly jealous. Calum would never ask him to go to something like that and he knew it.

"Yep, there's going to be alcohol, girls, sêx, and probably drugs." Luke blushed at the idea of sêx, everything else seemed appealing to him though.

"Sounds fun..." Luke muttered.

"Mate, you're coming with me. I'll pick you up and we can walk there together."

The blonde almost squealed like a girl, but he refrained from doing that. "Cool, cool," He said slowly.

"Here's the address." Niall wrote it on Luke's arm in sharpie before rushing off to get to class. The bell for the end of the first lunch rang out. Luke didn't have time to check his arm as he stalked off.

"We can throw Luke's bed in the basement incase people want to get it on, and we'll lock the front door after ten so my parents can't get in right away." Calum said as he and Liam made more plans. Harry was at lunch while they were stuck in Advanced U.S. history. Calum didn't hate that class, but he thought America sounded stupid. They did things so backwards from Australia, oh, and not to mention the rest of the freaking world.

"No talking!" Mr. Klein yelled. Most of the students in his class thought he was insane. Even when the room was completely silent Mr. Klein would scream, no talking! Mr. Klein resembled Mr. Crocker from Fairly Odd Parents too, just making him the perfect mix of bizarre.

"I want the four page essay completed by Monday morning. If you don't show up your essay will not be accepted. I will only take them Monday." Right as Mr. Klein said that, the bell rang. He twitched from the loud noise as he pointed to the door.

"What a nut job." Liam whispered to Calum. The two shook their heads as they left, not bothering to show up to study hall. It was their last class of the day anyhow, and pointless since all their assignments were mostly online projects.

Not like they were missing anything. The three of them always spent the last hour of the day at the gas station by the corner of the school. Then when it was time to go home they would rush back to the school and get their things.

It seemed insane to Luke that Niall of all people would get invited to a party, much less a high school party. When he checked the address on his arm he gasped.

907 Wallaby Way

Then it all made sense, Calum was behind all of it. Luke hurried to the bathroom to wash off the digits before the end of the day.

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