Chapter Twenty-Three

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Niall was sitting on the edge of Luke's bed. Calum and Liam were downstairs. Harry was with a girl. Currently, everyone was waiting on their report cards to be mailed in. Calum was hiding his fear well. He knew he didn't do so good. He had to be failing biology at this point.

Luke and Niall decided it would be best to pretend the kiss never happened. They were watching netflix on his bed. Though Niall was fighting the urge to hold Luke. He had an idea, a mean one, but it seemed like it worked in the movies.

"Hey, do you wanna watch a scary movie!?" Luke's eyes widened. His nightmares started getting better. He wasn't allowed to watch certain things though.

  "I-I don't know. I like what we're watching now..."

"Oi, look, the credits. Let's watch The Ring."

"Isn't that um, scary?" Luke twiddled with the ends of his shirt. Niall almost cooed at his adorablness.

"Yeah, but it's not real. And if you really don't like it we can just watch cartoons or something," Niall smiled.

"Fine," Luke gave in. He already knew he'd probably be hiding under the covers the whole time with his hands over his ears. Niall already figured that. He sat on the covers, right next to Luke as he started the movie. The lights were already off.


"Niall and Luke kissed, dude," Liam laughed.

"I know," Calum laughed.

  "I got my report card yesterday, somehow I didn't fail history."

"I know I'm not passing bio," Calum said sadly. "Atleast it's summer, yeah?"

  Liam nodded. "More time for smoking and sneaking out, man."

"Remember that neighbor girl who moved?"

Liam shook his head.

"Well I lost it to her," Calum admitted.

"Dang, she's kinda hot, though," Liam said.

Michael waved at the two. "Are you guys staying the night?" Liam texted, asking Zayn if he could. Since it was summer his parents let him do a lot more.

"Yeah, we can, Zayn said it's fine," Liam grinned. Calum cheered.


"THIS IS THE GOOD PART!" Niall yelped over Luke's complaints. Luke had his face pressed against the Irish lad's chest, trying not to peer at the movie. The music made it all worse. He tried to stay tough for Niall, but gave up after the first ten minutes.

His chest was really warm. Luke somehow ended up on his lap during the movie. Niall was grinning happily as he wrapped his arms around Luke's body. He shivered. "Are you okay?" Luke's hesrt was beating and his fingers felt tingly, otherwise, he was fine.

"Yeah," Luke replied. Niall kissed his cheek, gaining his attention. Luke's eyes were wider than plates.

"You okay?" Niall rubbed his back. Luke nodded.

  "Um yeah, I'm uh, I'm gay!" Luke blurted, covering his mouth afterwards.

  Niall laughed. "Can I kiss you again? Please, Lukey?"

"I-if you want to-" Luke was cut off by Niall kissing him. Ashton walked in on them and screamed before rushing out and shutting the door. Luke gasped as pushed Niall away. Niall fell to the floor with a gasp.

"FUDGE!" Luke shot out of his bedroom, going to find Ashton.

"Dad! It wasn't what it looked like! I promise!" Luke panted.

Ashton was pale, "You guys were kissing, Luke. I'M PRETTY SURE IT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!"

"What's wrong?" Michael asked upon hearing all the yelling. They were now in the kitchen talking. Calum and Liam headed out to a park.

  "I went up to tell our son that his report card came in the mail and he was kissing Niall!" Ashton spat.

"Luke, is that true?" Michael questioned.

"I don't know..." Luke felt tears prick his eyes. If he was never allowed to see Niall again he would be devastated. "It was an accident, I'm really sorry!"

Michael picked Luke up and set him on his lap, "I'm not mad, but I didn't know you were interested in boys, I think Dad is still shocked that he found out like that. If you like Niall that's fine with me, but I want you to tell me if anything becomes official, got it?" Luke nodded as he hugged Michael tightly.

  "Thank you Daddy."

The blonde returned to Niall, who appeared extremely upset. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble. I didn't mean for that to happen like that. I mean, I did wanna kiss you but-"

Luke broke off his speech with a kiss to the lips. "They're fine with it, or Michael is, which is fine for now," Luke chuckled. Niall visibly became more calm.


"HE'S TOO YOUNG TO BE GAY. Michael! He's too young for this! He still has night terrors!" Ashton reasoned. Considering everything.

Michael sighed, "Niall won't hurt him. He's his best friend and vice versa, Luke needs to experiment to find himself. He might not be gay, maybe he's bi, or trans, or pan. I don't care. He's still our baby either way. I don't want him to feel like he has to hide a relationship from us."

"How is it that you're always right?" Ashton joked, kissing Michael's cheek.

"It helps that you're always wrong," The younger replied as he skipped away. Ashton stood there pouting.

"You realize our little brother's have more game than us?" Liam groaned. "I need a girlfriend man."

"Me too." Calum posted pictures of himself on a dating website, him and Liam had to lie about their ages on it.

  "Pull up your profile," Liam demanded. Calum showed him the pictures he posted. "Where's the dîck pics?"

"The whats!?" Calum shouted. Liam chuckled lightly.

"You have to post the junk if you wanna get the trunk, the badonka donk... the boo and t!"

"Geez. Li. I don't know," Calum scratched the back of his head.

"Or just be gay like Luke and maybe it'll happen for you," Liam shrugged.


"THESE REPORT CARDS ARE AWFUL!" Ashton couldn't believe what he was seeing. Michael was equally floored.

Luke Irwin-Clifford

Pre-Algebra: B+

U.S. History: C-

Pre-Bio: C+

P.E.: B+

Pre-Spanish: C-

Geography: D+

Calum Irwin-Clifford

Geometry: A

Biology: D

P.E.: A+

Advanced History: C-

Study Hall: F

Woodshop: B-

This was certainly fun to write. Dedications will be in the next chapter for everyone's ideas I use.

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