Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ashton returned from the kitchen with a dark expression on his face. "You ditched!??" Calum gripped Michael's arm. "WHY WOULD YOU DITCH?"

"It's just study hall..." Calum spoke.

"If it counts for a grade you can't skip it! What did you do while you were gone? Hmm? Who were you with? You're not suppose to go places without telling one of us."

"Daaad!" Calum whined.

"DON'T 'DAAAD' ME! You know better!" Calum bit his lip. "You have ten seconds to tell me who you were with and where you went."

"Liam, and we just went outside..." Calum said.

"Outside to do what?"

"TALK! STOP INTERROGATING ME! Atleast I didn't cheat, geez." Calum left his dads a bit shocked at what he said. Calum knew he was lying, but there's no way they'd be able to prove he had been smoking with Liam at school.


Luke woke up in a puddle of what felt like warm water. When he looked down he was surprised to see he had an accident. He hadn't had one in years. Luke also realized he wasn't in his own bed. He didn't know how to hide it from Michael and Ashton. They would be coming up to sleep soon!

Luke panicked and started crying as he tore the wet sheets off the bed. The blankets didn't get wet so he left those and rushed to the laundry room.

"What are you doing Luke?" Michael questioned? The blonde ignored him and darted to the washing machine.

"They're acting strange..." Michael muttered as he turned to go to the bathroom. Ashton was frustrated and angry at himself. This time he was letting Calum off the hook, just because he did pull the 'you cheated on daddy and have no right to be mad at me' card.

The washing machine was full! Luke put the sheets on the floor. He had no idea how much longer the stuff already in the washer would take.

"My dad knows dude." Calum hissed into the phone.

  Liam sighed, "is he mad?"

"I don't know-"

"Well listen. There's a party at Trevor's house in a week..." Liam interrupted.

Calum smirked, "I'll be there."

"Luke what is this?" Michael had scared Luke. He never saw him come in.

"B-blankets!" Luke shouted.

"Why are they down here?" Michael asked.

Luke shrugged, "I just felt like cleaning the sheets, Daddy."

"Tell me what's up, Luke. Don't lie." Michael demanded.

"Th-they're wet... There was an accident... I'M SORRY!" Luke panicked again.

"What? What kind, baby boy?" Michael opened the washer and stuck the sheets in.

  "Um, I don't know, I-"

"You can tell me, Luke. I won't yell," Michael promised, going to hug Luke, but the blonde pulled away, remembering his pants were soaked.

Michael stared at him. Then he saw his pants were wet and cooed. "Aww Luke. You could have told me you wet the bed. I wouldn't have been mad."

  Luke blushed at his statement, "I didn't mean to!"

"It's alright. Go take off those clothes and get a shower." Luke hurried away to do just that. Michael went to get Ashton.

"Ashton!" Michael couldn't find him in their bedroom. "Ash-" The older man ran into him on his way out of the bathoom, he laughed lightly.

"Sorry, babe. What's up?"

Michael sighed, "Luke had an accident."

"Okay?" Ashton scratched his head in confusion, "if it was an accident why's it important?"

"I don't know. I thought you would want to know..." Michael looked down.

"Oh, well. I guess? You know what. I think I'm gonna go lay down," Ashton decided.

"Is Calum still in trouble?" Michael asked confused.

"Um I don't know," Ashton replied. Michael grabbed his hand and pulled him down on the couch next to him.

"What's wrong?" Ashton looked too vulnerable and sad. Michael could easily see he was upset.

"He brought up me cheating, and I mean in conparison to skipping class, which is worse?"

Michael almost rolled his eyes, thinking 'not this again', but he stopped himself. "He shouldn't have said that. Everyone else is over it. He should be spanked and his phone needs to be taken." Michael said in finalization.

Ashton nodded, "but Mikey-"

"Nope. It is decided, he shall be spanked, no 'ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' about it," Michael declared.

"You're right," Ashton got to his feet, making his way to the boy's room at last. Michael shook his head.

From the corner of his eye he saw the blonde child appear. "Luke." He was dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. "Can I help with the laundry?" Luke asked, feeling bad that he was the reason Michael had to do it.

"If you want to," Michael and Luke headed to the laundry room.

"How can you even still be mad about me ditching?" Calum argued. Ashton gave him the 'do not test me for that will not go well for you' look.

"Come here," Ashton ordered. He was sitting on Luke's bed that was placed on the opposite end of the room as Calum's.

"I'd rather not," Calum ignored him to send Liam a text about the party at Trevor's.

"It isn't optional, come here now!" Ashton took the phone out of his hands, placing it in his pocket and sitting next to Calum. He pulled the kiwi boy over his lap.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Calum growled out.

"What I should have done earlier. You're being disrespectful and ditching school was an overall 'no'."

Calum kicked but it did him no justice. Ashton yanked his jeans and boxers down to his ankles. "Let. Me. Go!" Calum tried to push himself off his father's lap, only to fail and fall back down.

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "You know what Calum. I want you to count these," Ashton said. Calum shook his head. "Then you're grounded for two months. Want to make it three?"

"N-no," Calum whimpered.

"Then you will count these out."

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Owww, one, t-two, there, f-four, fiive!"

SMACK "siix!" Calum covered his head with his arms and started crying harder.

Does this count as a cliff hanger? :p

If I do another story what ships do you want? Vote!!!

* Lashton





Side ships:




I'm too lazy to write these out. Anything else? Let me know.

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