"Where to?" The uber driver asked.

"Luna night club!" Dre and Rook said in unison.

"Alright, y'all got it! I'll get you guys there in fifteen minutes."

"Okay! Do you have an aux cord?" Ash asked.

"Definitely don't give it to her." I said through giggles.

"I have superb taste in music." Ashley responded.

"Bitch where?" I said still giggling.

Rook and Dre started laughing and the über driver handed me the cord. Since we were in Cali I turned on my west coast playlist. I first played 'Go Crazy' by HBK Gang, then 'It's Lit' by Kyle, and then a bunch of Dizzy Wright and Hopsin songs. Rook and Dre were turning up bobbing their heads and opening champagne bottles. I even saw Ashley jamming out in the corner of my eye.

When we pulled up to the front of the club I was ready to bust a move. Tonight was my night and this would be my first good experience at a club with no crying and no Colson.

"I love your music selection!" Dre said as we got out of the car.

"Thanks! I love west coast hip hop!" I replied.

"Good, because most likely that's all they're going to play at this club."

"I just called Dub, they should be here in ten!" Ash said.

"I'm not worried about them, I'm going to head inside!" I said.

"I'm witcha! Girl let's go!" Dre said.

"Well bye party animals!" Ash said.

"See you guys inside." I said as I walked in to the roped entrance.

The club looked amazing in the inside, I felt like I was inside a rave party. The lights, the music, and the energy was pure bliss. I couldn't help but have fun tonight, maybe even find some chill people while I'm here.

"Hey beauty!" A masculine voice said behind me.

"Hi!" I responded gleefully as I turned around.

Oh my god, this man was handsome! Bronze skin, hazel eyes, jawline sharp enough to cut someone, and a cut body. He could pop my cherry and father my future children with no questions asked.

"You don't look like your from around here." He said staring at me.

Does he think I'm ugly? Omg, just be natural! Guys like when you play hard to get, right? He hasn't moved his eyes off of me since I turned around.

"Oh, me? I'm not, I'm a Cleveland native."

"Damn, a Midwestern girl! I've heard a lot about those type of girls." He said moving closer to me.

"Like what?" I asked stepping in closer.

"Maybe I can tell you after I buy you a drink?"

"I'd like that."

Though I vowed to never drink his words and physic was so captivating. I couldn't just turn down his gesture. My brain was clouded and I wasn't thinking logically, hell I wasn't thinking at all.

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