Chapter 6

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Fitz looked off into the bright foyer. "There's two things that could happen in your mind. Correct me if I'm wrong. Either I could tell you that I don't feel the same way and things would be really awkward or I could tell you I do feel the same way and we would date."

Sophie looked at her feet. "That about covers it."

"Well, let's just say I ship Sophitz."

Sophie's jaw dropped. Had he just said what she thought he had said? But, looking at his red cheeks and eyes aimed at the floor, she didn't doubt it.

"You... you actually like me?" she asked incredulously. Sure, Biana had already told her this, but hearing it from Fitz came as a huge shock.

Fitz glanced up at her for a moment and gave her a slight nod that seemed to change everything.

"But I thought you only thought of me as a little sister?" Sophie asked.

"At first I did," Fitz agreed. "But as time passed, and especially as we worked together in telepathy, I realized that maybe I thought of as more than that. You're an incredible person, Sophie. You're incredibly talented, incredibly kind and forgiving, and incredibly beautiful. It's hard for me not to like you."

Now it was Sophie's turn to stutter, "Um, wow... Thanks... Uhh..." She accidentally looked into his eyes and lost herself.

Fitz took her hands in his and leaned forward, planting a kiss on her cheek. "By the way, that's the gift that I owe you for being such a jerk before," he explained, grinning. Sophie's heart fluttered and she felt faint. But, before she could reply, the door opened and Biana spotted them.

"Oh there you are!" She exclaimed. "Wow, Sophitz became a thing." She looked at their intwined hands.

Fitz turned to his sister. "Not exactly yet. There's one more thing I have to ask her. Sophie, will you be my girlfriend?"

Sophie's heart threatened to burst out of her chest. She took a deep breath and tried to choke out a "yes," but it came out as "Uhh..." Unable to form coherent words, she transmitted a single word to Fitz's mind: "Yes."

Fitz grinned and whooped with joy. Forgetting that Biana was there, he took Sophie's hand and pulled her close. Her heart began beating faster and faster as she stared into his beautiful teal eyes. And then, he placed his lips on hers.

When they broke apart, smiling wider than they ever had before, they turned to see Biana, covering her face with their hands, muttering "My eyes! My eyes!" Laughing, Sophie pried her fingers away and Biana muttered "Thank gods it's over." Without another word, the three elves walked into the hotel room.

In respect to her and Fitz's entwined hands, Sophie expected Keefe to tease her, but he stayed silent. As a matter of fact, Keefe's face contorted slightly, but he covered it up so fast, Sophie wasn't even sure if it actually happened. On the other hand, Dex looked a bit disappointed, but unsurprised, muttering something about "Wonderboy." Wordlessly, the five elves packed their bags and headed out the door, ready to track down the author who was publishing their lives.

A/N: Yay! Sophitz! Not that I don't love Sokeefe or Sodex, but Sophitz in my opinion is easier to write!

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