Chapter 5

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A/N: So let's just say I've been written out. I'm doing NaNoWriMo, so I have to write about 50,000 words by the end of the month and about 2,000 words per day. So I did that. And then I worked forever on my fanfic. So pretty much my whole weekend was writing. SO MUCH WORK BUT SO MUCH FUN!!! And I still have to work on Return of the Ninjas. Too. Many. Projects. I'm overloading myself. But, like I said, it's fun. Okay, I'll leave you at this...

The next morning, Sophie was the second person to wake up, only a few minutes after Biana. She walked into the bathroom to see a fully dressed Biana rolling lip gloss onto her lips. Spotting Sophie in the mirror, Biana turned around to face her. Her first words surprised Sophie.

"I can't believe you actually like my brother," she exclaimed.

Blood rushed to Sophie's face as she remembered the events of last night. "Well, it's not really a secret anymore. Imagine if Keefe read those books and they were from your perspective."

Biana gave Sophie a sympathetic look. "Yeah, but at least my brother likes you back," she pointed out.

"Wait really?" Sophie's face brightened at the thought. Maybe things wouldn't be so awkward after all.

Biana nodded. "I know why too, but why do you like him? Please don't say you're like the other girls at Foxfire and you only like him for his looks."

Sophie shook her head. "I think he's cute, but that's not all. I mean, he's really talented and caring and he was the elf that found me," she explained.

"Ew." Biana crinkled her nose at Sophie's romanticizing of her brother, but she shrugged. "I guess I can live with that. Also, how long did we book this hotel for?"

"One day," Sophie remembered. "So we better get packing and leave by noon."

Biana nodded. "Okay, shower's all yours. Unless you want to wait for later."

"No I think I'll go now." Grabbing her clothes from last night and a towel, Sophie finished showering and getting dressed in the small bathroom. But, the first person she saw when she opened the door to leave was Fitz, his hand poised in front of the door, ready to knock.

"Um..." She tried to keep her head down and walk past him, but he grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes. Despite the situation, her heart fluttered when she saw his beautiful teal eyes.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. Sophie sighed, dreading the moment, but not being able to prevent it.

"Yeah, let's go outside." Despite Fitz being in his pajamas, the two elves received few odd looks this early in the morning.

"So, I wanted to start off by apologizing," Fitz told her.

Sophie frowned. "What do you need to apologize for?"

Fitz looked into her eyes and the intensity of his stare knocked her back a few steps. "I was reading Book 2 when my dad's mind got broken and I realized how awful I had been to you. And I know I apologized before, but I feel like I have to do it again. I really hurt your feelings, Sophie, more than I knew and I'm sorry for that."

Sophie tried to look anywhere but his eyes and nodded. "It's okay. I already told you I forgive you. Besides, you were grieving and we all deal with grief in different ways."

Fitz fiddled with his fingers and looked at his feet. "Um yeah," he stalled. "But, I also wanted to talk about something else in the books... Something that it seemed like you felt.

"Was it all true? What the books said you felt about me?" he asked.

It would have been so easy for Sophie to say no there and leave it at that, but she couldn't bring herself to do it after what Biana had said in the bathroom. So, she tugged out an eyelash and muttered, "Yes. It was all true."

Fitz's eyes widened. "Oh... Um... Wow... That's just so- wow," he stuttered. "I'm sorry for pushing you to let me read them."

"It's not like I would've had the guts to tell you anyway," Sophie tried to reason. "It's easier that you found out this way. But I still hate that things will probably be super awkward now."

Fitz looked off into the bright foyer. "There's two things that could happen in your mind. Correct me if I'm wrong. Either I could tell you that I don't feel the same way and things would be really awkward or I could tell you I do feel the same way and we would date."

Sophie looked at her feet. "That about covers it."

"Well, let's just say I ship Sophitz."

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