Chapter 2

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A/N: This is chapter two! I hope you like it so far, because it's definitely gonna go on for a while!

It took a few minutes to rouse the girl, but that was a few minutes they couldn't waste. The elves received more than a few odd looks from pedestrians, but that wasn't important. As soon as the girl woke, she had a million questions.

"Why do you guys look like my favorite book characters? Are elves real? Do you guys know about the Black Swan?" She rambled, clearly shocked.

Sophie took a deep breath. "Okay. For starters, what's your name?"

The girl scrunched her eyebrows, but she muttered, "Jessica."

"Well Jessica," Sophie began. "I know this may come as a shock to you, but everything that happens in Keeper of the Lost Cities is real. Elves do exist. And I am Sophie Foster."

Jessica squealed. "I knew it! I can't believe it's actually real!"

Fitz smiled at her. "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone. Do you promise?"

"I promise," Jessica answered. Then, a mischievous smile spread across her face. "But on two conditions. One, you all must read the books. All of you. They're really good. And two-" She looked at Keefe and suddenly Sophie remembered what she had said earlier.

"Um if you are asking what I think you are asking," Sophie answered. "I don't think so."

The girl slumped down. "Okay fine. But can I at least have his autograph? I mean, he's so cute and funny and just an overall amazing person!"

Sophie sighed and prepared to oblige when Keefe asked, "Wait, who?"

Jessica looked like she was going to faint, and for a moment, Sophie was worried she would. But she just replied, "You."

Biana's eyes flared, and Jessica must have noticed because she added, "But Keefiana is also totally cute. Like totally... Like... Okay I'm gonna go now."

Before she could leave, Sophie grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry. I know how excited you must be about this, but we have a lot more we have to do. Can you at least tell us where we can find the books?"

Jessica sighed and turned around. "I don't know this city very well, " she notified, switching to Italian. "Because I came here for a school field trip from California. But there's a library down the street. Still, I highly doubt you will find it there. It was written in America." She frowned. "It's almost guaranteed that you'll find it if you go to America, but you can't exactly teleport, can you?"

Sophie shook her head. It still shocked her that some random girl knew so much about her life. "I'll find a way," she assured in the same language. "Thank you. Is the book series very popular?"

Jessica shook her head. "It's definitely not as popular as Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, but you'll find fans around."

Sophie nodded. "Thanks Jessica. If we ever visit California on this trip, I'll make sure to drop by. But until then, I think you have a class to rejoin."

Jessica mumbled a "you're welcome" and walked back in the direction she came from. After she left, the first person to talk was surprisingly Keefe.

"Aw I didn't get to give her an autograph," he joked. "But how does she know so much about us? And what's that book series she's talking about? And what did she tell you in that language she was speaking?"

Sophie was surprised they could even understand her in English, but she figured they must have learned it from their families or something. "Come on," she said. "I'll explain everything on the way to the library."

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