Chapter 16

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A/N: I feel like this last chapter goes from my weird awkward writing to relatable comedy to a bit of sentimentality and romance. I hope that's a good closure for you guys. Here it is!

When they broke apart, Sophie smiled.

"That was... Nice," she said, more than aware of Fitz's arms still around her.

Fitz smiled back, his teal eyes sparkling. "It was," he agreed. Suddenly, his eyes darted to the kitchen which was now filled with Biana and Dex's bags. "We should get packing. We have to leave in an hour."

Sophie nodded and both elves were about to head upstairs when they heard a frustrated grunt followed by a crash from the movie room. Exchanging worried glances, they headed there instead.

"What's going on?" Sophie was about to ask when she saw Keefe sitting in one of the seats with an iPad in his lap.

Fitz walked over to his best friend. "What's that?" he asked, pointing to the  iPad. Keefe shrugged.

"It's this weird device Mrs. Messenger gave me because I said I was bored," he explained. "Well, she asked me if I wanted to read first, but who wants to do that?"

Sophie laughed. "Reading isn't as bad as you think, you know," she told him. She turned to Fitz. "By the way, that's an iPad. It has a bunch of games and stuff on it. I'm guessing this is a newer version."

But Fitz wasn't listening. Rather, the two boys were completely engrossed in the game, one of them not even hearing his own girlfriend.

"Dude that's awesome!" Fitz said, sitting down next to Keefe. "Go go go!"

"Don't distract me," Keefe grumbled, obviously frustrated. After a moment, he banged the screen and muttered a string of words that would have earned him a month of detention in Foxfire. "This is so hard!"

What game were they playing? Curiously, Sophie walked over and leaned to see the screen. It was...

"Flappy Bird," she read, rolling her eyes. "Are you serious?"

Keefe turned to her. "Don't underestimate the power of this game," he warned, dead serious. "It is the devil!"

Sophie bit back a laugh. "Aw come on. How bad can it be? What's your high score?"

Keefe stared at the ground and quietly muttered, "Three."

Sophie clutched her stomach, laughing. "You're joking," she stated, disbelievingly. "You're actually joking."

Keefe glared at her. "It's really hard!" he defended.

"Is that a challenge?" Sophie asked, grabbing the iPad. She restarted the game and began playing. But the minute the game began, the pixilated bird fell to the ground.

"Ha!" Keefe yelled, pointing to the big zero on her screen. "I told you it's hard!"

Sophie restarted the game once more, and after a few tries, she had a high score of seven. "See, it's not that bad," she reasoned, giving the iPad back to Keefe. "You just have to get a rhythm."

Taking her suggestion, Keefe began playing again. Soon enough, he had beaten her high score with a whopping ten.

"Take that!" he exclaimed. "Betcha can't beat that!"

Soon it had turned into a rivalry, with Keefe and Sophie each taking a turn and trying to beat the other's high score. It got so competitive, especially with Fitz egging them on in the background, that soon Biana and Dex walked into the room.

"There you are!" Dex called. "Mrs. Messenger has been searching for you everywhere!"

Biana nodded. "You have to pack your bags... We're leaving in five minutes."

"Uh huh," Sophie said, tapping the screen furiously. "Five more minutes."

Biana walked over to her best friend and shook her shoulders. "Sophie!" she yelled. "We have to leave in five minutes!"

When Sophie still didn't respond, Biana ripped the iPad out of her grasp.

"Hey!" Sophie cried in protest. "Oh hi Biana. Hey Dex," she waved, seeing them for the first time. Biana facepalmed as Fitz and Keefe did the same.

"I'm not letting any of you near that weird device," she chided. "You're getting addicted to it."

"Yeah and we have to leave in five minutes," Dex added. "Four now."

Sophie's smiling face morphed into one of panic. "What?! But I haven't finished packing."


All three elves ran upstairs and stuffed their belongings into their bags, making it back down in just the nick of time. Soon, all five were ready and about to leave through the door.

"So this is it," Sophie stated, looking out into the bustling street. "What are we going to do now?"

"We're going to join the Black Swan," Keefe answered.

Biana adjusted the straps of her backpack on her shoulders. "And then?"

"And then we defeat the Neverseen," Dex responded, his clenching his fists in determination.

"But whatever we do," Fitz started, planting a kiss on Sophie's cheek. "At least we're together."

And that was all that mattered.

A/N: Wow I can't believe it! I've finished two fanfictions now! Training Problems was my first one ever and writing was definitely a roller coaster ride. This was even more fun. Every single one of your reads, comments, and votes are the reason I'm still writing so thank you so much. The joy I feel every time I see one is inexplicable. I'll probably start another fanfic after this... And I think we all know what ship it's going to be. Thank you and see you all later! ~PJOfanatix

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