Cloud Clone

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Danny couldn't get to the Mystery Shack fast enough. With Jazz racing behind him in the R.V.  Danny flew through the morning sky. If he hadn't been so panicked, he might have enjoyed the view of sun gilded trees and the brisk morning air. But he had bigger worries. 

When the shack came into view, Danny didn't bother with the visitor's entrance. He aimed for the top landing, where the bedrooms probably were. 

He leaped through the triangular window and looked around wildly. Bingo. 

Dipper and Mabel were asleep, both of them lying with one arm under their pillows. Danny went straight to Dipper and shook him awake. 

"Mmm... Mabel go away," Dipper groaned, pulling the blankets up farther. Danny scowled and flicked his ear. 

"Ouch!" Dipper cried, suddenly wide awake. His eyes grew wide as he saw Danny standing over him. Danny suddenly realized how he must look. His hair was wild and his eyes were still baggy with lack of sleep. 

With hand gestures, Danny motioned toward his throat and mouthed, I can't talk. Monster. 

Dipper nodded slowly, eyes wide. Danny looked out the window and saw Jazz pulling up. He motioned out the window toward her and mouthed, Meet me down there. Bring Mystery uncle. 


"Fascinating," Ford whispered, tilting his head to examine Danny. Danny glared back. Just because he needed his help didn't mean he had to like it. 

"A cloud you said?" Dipper clarified, looking to Jazz. She nodded vigorously, eyes still wide with worry. 

"Danny ran away from it and then it transformed! It made a copy of him and stole his voice."

Ford nodded pensively, pulling a journal out form his long coat. 

"A Stratus Shifter," he mused, flipping through the old book. "Ah, here it is. These creatures have the ability to temporarily steal voices and mimic their chosen host."

Jazz blanched at the word "host."

"Are they dangerous?" Dipper asked, peering over at the book.

"The more recent the shift, the more powerful it is. But they do have a weakness. Like their natural cloud form, these are prone to change. The voice will slowly lose potency and return to the owner. The physical form will slowly grow distorted and eventually fade back into formless cloud."

"How long does that take?" Jazz asked nervously. 

"The witnesses say it can take anywhere from a day to a week," Ford explained. He looked concerned as he shut the journal. 

"But there's no telling what a new stratus shifter might do."

Danny looked meaningfully at Jazz and scribbled on the notebook she had brought,

When it comes to clones, I think I prefer Dani. 

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