Chapter 24: ''If I lose myself.''

Start from the beginning

''Mikko told me he knew about it.'' He said after a couple minutes in silence. ''Exactly the day I met him.''

''What did he tell you?'' I asked. ''Well, don't tell me, I don't want to know about it.'' I chuckled.

''I tell you or what?'' James asked laughing and I shook my head. ''Anyways, what do you want to do today?''

''We could take Sam to the amusement park, it's early and she told me at our wedding party she wanted to go one day.'' I suggested. ''And I guess their parents would like that idea.''

''Yeah, because she's jealous of his brother.'' James laughed getting up. ''Let me call my brother while you get dressed or whatever you're going to do.''

''I'm going to have a shower, I won't be late, I promise.'' I giggled and gave him a peck on the lips before he picked up the phone to call his brother.


''Where are we going?'' Sam asked during the way towards the amusement park.

''We're almost arriving, darling.'' James said and she grumbled bored. ''Don't grumble, Sam.'' He chuckled.

''Look, we're here.'' I said to her and she leaned her head confused. ''We're going to spend the day at the amusement park!''

''Can I eat ice cream?'' She asked and we both laughed, taking her out of the car.

''Of course you can, but you have to wait until afternoon.'' He said picking her up, kissing then her forehead.

At the end of the day, almost afternoon, we rode all the rides, or at least most of them that were made for kids. Sam was scared with some of them, but she enjoyed a lot, even we took pics before ride some of the rides.

James and I sat on a bench and Sam sat on my lap before buy some ice cream as we told her, but it was more because we were so tired after spend all the day walking. There were a lot of people walking around and sitting on the benchs like us.

''Are you having fun, Sam?'' I asked, fixing her hair a little. She nodded her head eating and James laughed.

''I want to see that dog.'' She said pointing at one puppy walking around with his owner.

''What's his name?'' I asked the girl with the puppy.

''Nanu, he's only three months.'' She answered smiling. ''You can touch him! He's so kind.''

''Aw, I bet he just sleeps all day.'' I said stroking the dog's head.

''I want one!'' Sam exclaimed and the girl laughed.

''Ask to your parents for one, you're in time!'' She said and I raised my eyebrows laughing.

''No, she's not our daughter... Our niece.'' I answered chuckling. I heard James laugh looking at me. ''Shut up.'' I whispered to him, but he just laughed more. After five minutes, the girl left with the dog and we came back to the car.

''So... How does it feel to be called 'mother'?'' James joked and I punched his arm lightly.

''First, speak less louder, she's sleeping.'' I whispered carrying Sam in my arms towards the car. ''And second of all, she called you father too, so I'm not the only one.''

''But you were the one with her and...'' He tried to say laughing.

''James, should I remember you you're older?'' I asked giggling and he snorted. ''Come on babe, that's the price you pay if you mess with me.''

''I'm just a couple years older than you, and your birthday is coming soon.'' He said. ''Exactly, your 23th birthday.''

''Shut up, I feel old.'' I chuckled. ''And it's the next year, not like yours.''


''God, I'm going to die.'' I said throwing myself onto the bed. ''Can you order a pizza while I have another shower?''

''As you say, miss.'' He replied and I rolled my eyes.

''Well, order the pizza now and let's have a bath together, huh?'' I suggested and he nodded his head laughing. ''What's so funny.''

''Nothing.'' He said laughing again.

''I just want to have a bath while I talk with my husband, nothing more.'' I said rolling my eyes, going straight to the bathroom.

''Sure.'' I heard him say giggling. Ten minutes passed until James came to the bathroom and sat with me inside the bath.

''How long?'' I asked him opening one eye.

''Half an hour or more.'' He said and sighed. ''I'm dead today, I didn't know how much you can get tired at the amusement park.''

''I don't feel my legs.'' I whispered chuckling. ''But at least we had fun.''

''Yeah.'' He said thoughtful.

''What are you thinking?'' I asked looking at him.

''Nothing, honey.'' He replied.

''Come on, James... I know you're thinking about something.'' I said.

''Kids.'' He said and I hushed.

''Kids?'' I muttered.

''Yeah, about being parents.'' He shrugged. ''I'd like to be dad, to be honest.''

''I don't know, James...'' I whispered with a sigh. I felt frustrated and a lot. ''I think we're too young.''

''You're 22 and I'll be 25, Victoria.'' He said and I rubbed my forehead. ''I think it could be awesome.''

''Yes, it could be, but you're working a lot, James.'' I said. ''And I wouldn't be a good mother, I just don't want to stay alone most of the pregnancy, it really scares me.''

''But you wouldn't be alone, I'd stay with you most of the time.'' He said taking my hand. ''And don't say you wouldn't be a good mother, you just have to see yourself with Sam.''

''We got married the last year...'' I sighed. ''I don't want to lose my job and I don't want you to lose yours.''

''Victoria.'' He sighed and I frowned.

''Dinner's here.'' I whispered and left the bathroom after get dressed. 

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