❞How'd she ignore her desires now...?

Start from the beginning

"Your Majesty, you forgot!", Alisha mimicked like a disciplined slave.

This was what she loved about her friends, the way they cared about her, just like an elder brother and sister, even with their nagging, and she felt proud to have them in her life.

She mouthed a 'thank you' silently to which Xavier raised his eyebrow, "For God's sake, you both stop being a nuisance.", he dejectedly shook his head, "Please... The guy already eyes me as if I am a baby villain.", he hushed, "You both stop with your shit or he'll throw me out of my wedding.", he said in a pleading tone and closed the door at Alisha's side.

They both gathered their seat belt and tried to tie it down as Krishna and Xavier sat in their respective seat. Alisha was perfectly fine with the belt as she accurately clamped it but Samiksha, who was new to all these jeep varieties, struggled with the tightness of the strap. She shifted to the right and tried to adjust it accordingly.

Suddenly, two large hands invaded her personal space, and she buried herself to the back of her seat, as far as possible from the hands that were heightening her pleasures, though they were just skimming over her saree.

Her hands were pawing the leather of the seat cover, and her lips were parted slightly. From under her partly closed eyelids, she observed Krishna angling the belt and buckling them correctly. He checked his handy work after tying it, "Okay now?", he questioned her but she wasn't able to say anything, floating in her bubble of desire, too high to think straight.

The closeness between them had brought all her nerves alive, tingling magical experience, again. How could she forget the way she had felt when unconsciously his fingers had touched hers that time when she'd run after him to return his money, a mere excuse to see him again? But now she was surprised to be with him, though they were sharing different latitudes of positions within his jeep, she still felt his presence, he was everywhere, his essence engulfed him and the proximity stamped it.

In a daze, her eyes averted to his deep black ones, and she found a question hiding beneath them. She blinked her eyes rapidly and nodded, "Hmm.", she hummed her approval to which he gave her a hearty grin, a smile which reached to his almond orbs, and again her heart skipped a beat.

Why does he do that? Why do I feel so much!?

She felt the energetic start of the giant beast-like vehicle when he pulled the gear up to move it forward, the angry grunt of his jeep suiting his personality. Time flew by, as they traveled through the chaos-filled roads of Nagpur, leaving the peace of Ajni back.

People were just the same as she had seen them before, always in a hurry, never waiting for a second to stop by signals. Neither the ones with vehicles were too concerned to let the road passengers cross first via Zebra-Crossing nor did the by-walkers keep their calm and wait for the horn shouting metal boxes to stop.

Everyone was too busy to keep moving ahead.

Passing by a road, her eyes envisioned a group of people gathered in the corner. The crowd of men was just idly standing while a young boy lay limp near the footpath. She eyed the damaged bike and concluded it to be a road accident but unfortunately '108 Emergency' was nowhere to be found. She immediately calculated her knowledge to offer safety to that guy.

But before she could ask Krishna to stop his jeep, he navigated it to the side and killed the engine. He unbuckled his safety belt and angled toward Xavier, "It'll take just a few minutes. I think it's a hit and run case.", he directed his head toward the opposite direction, the place where Samiksha was watching, "I'll check.", and he glided out of the vehicle.

Without waiting for a second, she too got out of the jeep and crossed the roads, marching with short hurried steps compared to his long smooth strides. Glancing toward the limp body, she knelt in front of that young lad. Not wasting a single minute, she examined his body and found his pulse dead, "Emergency, he needs CPR or..." she trailed off, murmuring the words.

She found Krishna turning his head toward her direction. He was interrogating people around about the accident after getting out of his vehicle and her voice made him notice the boy in her lap. Leaving the inquisition as it was, he knelt beside her, "You know how to give CPR?", he questioned, his eyes still trained on the guy.

For God's sake! Everyone should know to give CPR; it should be mandatory but sue people who keep ignoring it! Her mind screamed.

She cleared her throat, "I am a doctor.", she confirmed, even though she wanted to add 'from AIIMS' and see his expression, she chose to drop it.

He nodded, "Take care of the heartbeat, I'll provide the oxygen."

She returned her part of nod and placed her left hand over the cardiac region of the victim and her right hand over it, in a way that her right palm efficiently pressed the back side of her other hand.

With their positions ready, they worked trying their best to save a life.

Two more minutes into CPR, the patient was back to life. She tested his pulse and breathing condition, which was not normal, though she could assure him that he would be fine with some medical attention soon. She heard the continuous ringing of the ambulance and felt relieved.

She stood straight, starting to walk back to the jeep, and turned, only to find him staring at her or more appropriately staring through her. The same way, like five years back, full of love.

His eyes were sparkling and hypnotizing her into his love, those black orbs of his were talking to her, asking her, affirming her. His eyes were meeting her beyond this realm and it felt so surreal, this time she felt something growing inside her, again capturing her.

Silently, she entered the jeep and waited for him to take them to wherever they were going. How'd she ignore her desires now...?


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