The Little Girl

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I blinked I was gripping the microphone so hard my knuckles were turning white I stare at the audience the fans all quite their was one little girl in the audience clueless yet she couldn't keep a smile off her face I bent down and smiled at her "hi what's your name"

she giggles she was about 4 "Katie"I smiled "when you grow up remember when you find that one special person to hold on make sure he makes you happy and encourages you okay?"she nods "okay"I smile and pull her on stage giving her a hug and one quick Peck on her cheek

"who brought you here"she looks around "my sissy"I smile "would you like to come back stage and I will have someone find your sissy"she shakes her head "my sissy ran away our parents gave us away they didn't wan us no mowe"I look down and notice what she was wearing ripped up small pants

a dirty shirt and old shoes "would you like to come with me"she nods "yea"the lights turn on and I walk off stage holding her little hand I walked over to Edwin "hey can you watch her I gotta go find Zach"he nods and I ran to the back of the building he wasn't their just my luck let me think

maybe the hotel I ran over and searched for Zachs room number I open the door swiping my key card he was on the bed crawled up in a bawl his eyes swollen from crying and he was asleep I give a small grin and quietly walk over I rub his cheek with my thumb and he twitches his eyes opening

I smile "hi"he smiles back at me "so friends?"I shake my head "nope can't stand it I wanna marry you"he sits up quickly "you do?"I nod "and like you said 4 years ago I wanna be with you I wanna marry you I wanna start a family and be together forever okay?"a tear falls down his cheek "here"

he pulled the box "I'm gonna do this the proper way"he got down on one day "will you marry me Aryn Mallery"I giggle "it's Clayton"he chuckles and slides the ring on my finger "it beautiful Zach I love it"he grins "and I love you"I throw my arms up wrapping them around him "I love you too"

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