Meeting Them With A Surprise

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~2 Weeks Later~

"be safe"Zach gives me a hug "i'm gonna miss you"he adds and i pout "i'm gonna miss you too"Bella grabs the rest of our bags from the baggage claim Zach brushes his thumb across my cheek looking into my eyes his green orbs shown onto my brown ones

"i love you Aryn"i smile tears in his eyes i would leave for a week maybe more but it felt like the day i left him in the court room "i love you Zach"he smiles back "god your beautiful i still get butterflies when i'm around you those perfect eyes,perfect lips,perfect hands that fit perfectly with mine.

are you sure you don't want me to come?"i shake my head blushing "not enough time and your mom would never let you go"we laugh and he leans forward our bodies closing the only space we had left and his lips were upon mine

my hands wrapped around his neck as his stayed at the sides of my face when we pulled away i looked down smiling "maybe you were right the lip ring wouldn't get in the way"he chuckled and i smiled at his cuteness "gate 475 Atlanta,Georgia boarding"he pecks my lips

"i love you so much"Bella grabbed my hand pulling me mine and Zach hands slipped what would i do without him we got to our seats and i looked over at Bella who was almost squealing "you excited?"she asks i shrug "whats wrong sis"she frowns i bite my lip

"are you sure this isn't a joke"she laughs "no were going to see our parents"i smile "what are they like"she puts away her phone "they are awesome your gonna love em"i sat uncomfortably in my chair the whole way their and once we boarded i was told they were meeting us in the airport

"they also have a surprise well 2"i nod and grab my bags going through the whole process once we got out of that mess we walked out and looked around till Bella squealed and ran i looked up what was my mom kinda looked like me so did my dad i stayed in place

mom's locked eyes with me tears streaming down her face "Gianna is that you"she walks up to me "yeah i guess so"she hugs me and i kinda stand their a minute before hugging back it felt odd it didn't feel right but i could expect that "so these are our parents?"i look at Bella she nods

"these are our parents!"we get to their car which was awesome might i add and their house was about 30 minutes away so we got to talking and they said the surprise was at home i just sunk into my seat was i really doing this?is this a dream?

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