Be My Hero And Save Me.

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I looked at the phone it was Zach and a girl making out and then their was a video "play it"he says I click it Zach starts talking "baby we've been together for almost 2 years and finally I get to see you again will you marry me"tears flood my eyes how could he "i-"I heard a studder behind Kevin

it was Zach "Kevin get away from her"I shake my head "stop Zach you cheated on me with a girl for 2 years and the asked her to marry you i guess i was just someone you could have in sight i hate you"i ran away from Kevin and Zach down the street and finally found the building

i ran inside and quickly got backstage my mascara was everywhere "nick!"i yelled running toward him i jumped into his arms "just please hug me i need someone to go to and i need to get away from here"he hugs back "come on ill take you to my hotel"he picks me up as i latch onto his shirt sobbing

"i-i'm sorry"i cough cried he shakes his head and what felt like forever i heard a door and felt a bed beneath me i sit u rubbing my eyes "Zach cheated on me with a girl for 2 years and asked her to marry him"he instantly grabbed me in for anther hug "i'm so sorry i'm here for you now"

i took deep breaths as i let go "Nick i thought we were meant to be together hes cheated on me more than once i just i wish i could just let him go but i feel like i have to hold on but lately he hasn't really wanted to hug or kiss me even cuddle and we all know Zach is a huge cuddler and then

he brings me to this meet and greet and disappears"Nick wipes my cheeks of tears "oh babe please stop crying your messing up your makeup"we both laugh but i was taken back by what he called me i looked at him and he looked up at me for a moment

i knew we were gonna kiss and i wanted it to happen nick has always been their he makes me laugh smile and is the best guy ever Zach does the same thing but he cheated on me i got pulled from my thoughts as he leaned in and i met him halfway our lips moving in sync his lips so gentle and soft

he runs his thumb along my cheek grabbing my face we pull away and i couldn't help but smile i haven't felt so much passion in a while.

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