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I squeezed onto his hand "I need you,I need you in my life.Zach I want you to know that if you really are gone and this is it I have had the best days of my life with you you showed me what true love is and you can't run away from problems.thank you Zach.I kissed his lips and caress his cheek

"I love you so much Zach"I bite my lip and sniffle "so much"I whisper repeated I looked up at the monitor it still had a line I looked at the wall it was unplugged I ran to it and plugged it in I heard a huge breath and turned to Zach "oh my God ZACH"I latched onto him he held me"I.love you too"

he said really fast I smile "who unplugged it"he looked down at me "well I passed out and somehow the wires got tangled and it was pulled they say this breathing thing is helping me breath"he pointed to the tube in his nose I kissed his cheek he blushes "I'm so glad to see you right now"

I smile and lay next to him "Zach I for sure am not going to leave for a long time I'm staying with you and if I do need help I can't always run to my family I have to face it"he smiles and runs his thumb across my cheek "that's alright with me baby girl"he wraps his arms around me

we lay their for hours before I stood up to use the bathroom and the nurse came in "visiting hours are over"honestly I knew a thing or two about hospitals I played my trick "I'm his sister I was allowed to stay and keep him company if that's alright"she checks her board for who knows what

then hands me a slip"wear this and you should be fine"I smile "thank you"she nods and gives Zach his medicine I sit on the couch and take out my phone I had a bazillion missed calls the boys had found out and my family and they understood why I couldn't go now I looked over to Zach he was asleep I smiled and took a quick picture uploading it to my instagram

Me:hey guys @bruhitszach has had some things happen today he's fine now and will recover please support him through this he loves you all and so do I hopefully keep u updated

I posted it and made sure to turn Zach's phone down so he didn't hear the buzzing and noise I stayed up all night watching him I had been so worried

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