Beach With The Boys

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He grabs his phone "well it's guys night so sadly I can't stay"I nod understanding he hugs me he had gotten much taller I only grew a few inches I walked him to his moms car which he was driving I wave as he leaves

Bella ran out"so what happened I saw the flowers"she nudged me and I laughed"we just talked old times you know"she frowned and walked inside I walked inside locking the door he really did miss me as much as I missed him

what a relief I was scared he wouldn't wanna get back together I ran Upstairs to my room and jumped onto my bed "home sweet home"I say to myself as I lay Down and slowley dose off.

My phone rang loudly I growled and grabbed it I had a call I answered "hello?"I hear a laugh "hey Aryn I was wondering if you wanted to head to the beach with me and the guys also Bella"I look at the time 1:23pm "sure I guess I'll meet you guys at the beach"

we say our goodbyes and I wake Bella which was actually easy considering she was already awake I ran to my room and found my turquoise and black bikini which looked good since I gained a little bit of wait but not much I placed my light blue shorts over and a loose tank top with sandals

I put my hair into a bun and grabbed a bag of sunscreen, phone,and a towel I place on my sunglasses and Bella grabbed the towels we headed out which was maybe a 25 minute drive which when we got their I watched Bella run up to Timmy jumping in his arms kissing him

I smiled then looked at Zach who crouched down opening his arms I laughed and ran jumping he kisses me which I kissed back feeling his sweet soft lips pressing gently against mine he smiles "hi"I giggle "hey ready to go now"he nods and let's me down we walk hand in hand

I noticed someone with us she seemed so familiar but I couldn't wrap my head around it "who's that"I whisper to Zach he looks over "Anna she was one of your best friends then you kinda lost your memory and never remembered her"i look back over at her

"what happened you said she was"he bit his lip as if he was nervous "you kinda got in a fight with her because she kissed me"i turned looking down "oh"he hugs me as we walk "hey it was like a year and a half ago no worries i love you"i smile "i love you too"he pecks my lips and we head to a spot away from some people.

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