Finding Out!

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i take a huge breath "so who's my parents and why are they here i know for sure those are not my parents no offense though"i look at them the guy takes back the paper "well we will have to contact your parents"i shake my head standing up

"their not my parents and i am going to get emancipated"he stands "wait miss you will need their approval for that"i shake my head and run out Bella isn't my sister then and what is Zach gonna think i burst through the door i run out the other door

i'm 100% sure Bella and Zach were behind me i felt an arm grab me i cried "what the hell happened"i look up taken deep breaths "Dustin and Rachel are not my parents they adopted me and when the government took me from them they kidnapped me and when i went to get Emancipated

my prints matched with Gianna Ambrose"Zach grabs my arm pulling me up "Bella can i talk to her real quick"she walks away teary eyed Zach looks away "i'm honestly very mad at it all but if your birth parents didn't want you then maybe they'll just sign a paper and you can get Emancipated"

i shake my head "i'm tired of trying fighting this i wanna give up"he grabs me hugging me tightly "don't give up"i frown and tears pour onto his shoulder "i-i'm sorry"i say he looks into my eyes "no sorry's just i think you might wanna go talk to Bella"

i nod and stand up wiping my face a force a smile "thank you Zach i love you"he pecks my lips "i love you more"i blush and walk quickly over to Bella "i-"she cuts me off "i think i should tell you now that you have found out"i shove my hands in my pockets "what"she exhales deeply

"we are still sisters our parents they gave us up i was only 3 and you were a new born when Rachel and Dustin adopted us our actual mom and dad fought to get us back they made a mistake they loved us they got me but you disappeared i tried to find you so many years"

my eyes widen "s-so where are our real parents then"she smiles "well once i found your address i heard about them dieing and being with you so much it has been great and i met timmy our parents want to meet you they live in Georgia"

i stopped and just thought maybe i wouldn't have to get emancipated they really do love me i can have them move in with us and i can actually be a teen again "i wanna meet them i wanna meet mom and dad"Bella smiles and hugs me.

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