Gianna Ambrose?

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i jump under the covers Zach laughs at me and i grab his hand and we lay down i pull out Snapchat and smile "guess who's been home but i'm still so happy"Zach kisses my cheek "and i love her"i blush and post it i snuggle up to him and he sweetly sings into my ear as i fall asleep

i pull on my skinny jeans and 5sos tank top i tied on my black converse and french braided my hair to the side i put on some black eyeliner my lip hurt a lot and was a bit puffy i pout and rub on concealer finally i was ready "Zach do i have to"he hugs my waist from behind

"yes babe,you have to go"i let out a frustrated sigh "i thought i was done signing papers know i have more papers and plus i have the court date to finalize everything in a few weeks"he pecks my cheek "i'm sorry but aren't you happy we can be together no one can take you from me"

i smile "thanks Zach i guess your right"he nods "i know i'm right"i hit his arm and he laughs we grab all my information like birth certificate and social security Bella was driving us their i sat looking out the window Zach rubbed my back why was this so much work i was just so happy Zach was here

i turn back to him "sorry for being so quiet i just i thought finally i was free make my own decisions"he smiles "its perfectly fine think of it this way i'm not free"i laugh "yeah but that's different"he nods "yeah but your still here your still with Bella and i that's not gonna change"

we pull up and we go inside i sign a few papers i still had so much then i had to meet with someone it was exhausting my hand hurt but after half an hour they came out and i finished up my last paper "can we please see you"i was confused "yeah Bella,Zach stay out here"i follow the man into a room

my adopted parents their i smile "oh hey why are you here"they smile and the guy sits in his chair "ms please have a seat"i sit "i'm confused can someone explain"the guy pulls out a paper "what is your parents name"i look down "Rachel and Dustin Mallory"he looks at the paper and pushes it over

i grab it and look at it "who is..Jeremy and Darcy Ambrose"i place the paper on the table "those are your real parents"i felt tears but i held it back "what do you mean Rachel and Dustin Mallory are my real parents even though they are..."the professional guy folds his hands on the table

"those are your adopted parents well technically not they adopted you and you got taken from them then you went missing and now your prints match Gianna Ambrose you are Gianna Ambrose" 

A/N:so my electronics were taken but i got a good grade on my algebra test so i have them for this weekend who is ready for more chapters i know i am after this i have 3 more weeks till i get them back imm soooo saddd Byyee love you all!

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