Birth Certificate Lies!?!

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I walk near my door and see Mathews open he was on his bed I slant near the doorway "hey stranger"he looks over taking out his headphones and sitting up he pats the bed in front of him and I walk in sitting criss-cross facing his direction "what's up"

he stands up shutting the door he sniffles and I notice his eyes he was crying "Mathew what's wrong"he grabs a paper dropping it down near me I grab it and read the print "oh my gosh you are"he lays down with a plop "adopted yes you can say it I found my birth certificate"

my eyes widen "have you told anyone else"he shakes his head "it seems your the only one I can trust in this house"I lay next to him "so your not going to tell mom and dad"he shakes his head "give it some time I don't wanna just go and blow up on them if I really am adopted

it's not like they don't look at me any differently they love me I think"he covers his face with his hand I rub his arm trying to sooth it all "they love you they love us all you are just as much apart of this family as any one of us and trust me I know how it feels the people that raised you

took care of u loved you just weren't actually who you thought they we're but look at it this way their not just gonna throw you away"he smiles "thanks I needed that"

I smile and stand up "your welcome and I'm always here I am your sister"I bump his shoulder and he chuckles I give him a hug and run up to my room and apply simple makeup.

~skip to 10pm~
The mall was fun I had a great time now it was just up to me and Mathew to watch the house I got my little brother to bed and Peyton was mad that she had to be watched so she locked herself in her room and Bella already had plans to leave so mom and dad let her go

me and Mathew sat in the kitchen I made grilled cheese which we already finished I put the dishes away and sat down "so about earlier I'm kinda glad I'm adopted"I look up at him sideways "why"he looks down and shakes his head

"never mind"I laugh nervously "what is it"he stands up "I can't it's not right but I just can't.."

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