A Year Of Hurt,A Year Of Trying

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1 Year later

i finally finished the paperwork i would be leaving the home i came into a few months ago they were a small family but still so inspiring i missed Zach every day of my life since the day of court when we lost i remember Zach grabbing me crying he kissed me ever so gently and said

"i will wait i love you"he falls to his knees as they took me away from him for my 'New' family but today i turned 16 today my sister is coming to pick me up because i had my own rights the little boy runs up hugging my knees "please don't go sissy"

i have grown close to this young boy he was 5 and so adorable even how sad i was he still made sure to keep me smiling and happy i crouch down and hug him "i promise i will come check up on you every so often be good?"he giggles "i promise"i smile

"good now stick to it because i will be around more OK?"he nods and i kiss his cheek standing up and my adopted mom gave me my bag "it was great having you in our home you are welcome anytime"i thank her "it has been amazing staying and i promise i will visit as much as i can"

she nods all of them teary eyed her husband had to go to work i said my goodbye earlier i heard a honk and we had one last group hug i run out and get into her car "so ready to go home?"i nod smiling widely "i am so ready now drive!!"she laughs and i place in my headphones and take a nap

*a few hours later*

i run inside and up to my room when i opened the room door it was neat and cleaned up i looked through my drawers putting stuff where it was supposed to go "thank god i'm still the same size cause i have a lot of clothes"Bella laughs "oh and hows Zach"

i ask she shrugs"he hasn't been here since that court day i heard hes online schooling now tho because of all the fans and stuff"i nod "i feel so bad ever since i got a new phone i tried through social media but he never responded"she looks down and nods

"well he has had a lot of fan growth since last time and 5quad is like off the chain with supporters its all over my social media"i smile but then frown "i-i miss him"i plop onto my bed "i cant get him out of my head Bella its like a curse"

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