13. Killing Katherine

Start from the beginning

"Damon!" I shrieked, hitting his shoulder. He just laughed and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Can't say it doesn't compliment your ass either." He added. "Now go get in the car."

                                                      ***30 minutes later***

"A party?" I asked Damon as he led me up to Founders Court. I'd only been once and even then, I'd had a blonde haired girl call me Elena.

"It's a ball. Not a party." Damon corrected me.

I shrugged. "Ball, party, same thing. Now what are we doing here?"

"We're here because when me, Rose and Stefan were out looking for Mason, we found a little note in his belongings. It said 'meet me at the Founders Ball tonight. Love Katherine.'" Damon explained.

"So we're going to meet up with Katherine?" I asked. Damon nodded and linked his arm in with my own.

"Not only meet with her young Nina. We're going to kill her."

"Oh..." I gasped. "Ok."

5 minutes later me and Damon had met up with Stefan and Elena. They were also with a boy that looked a little younger than Elena, an older women with gold curly hair, a petite tanned girl, an older man with sandy hair and the same blonde haired girl that had called me Elena.

"Wow, she looks exactly like you!" The older women exclaimed. She stepped forward and stuck her hand out. "I'm Jenna, you're sisters Aunt."

"Oh, nice to meet you." I smiled back.

"And you." Jenna said. "I still can't get over the similarities! You look like the same person!"

"I'm Jeremy, Elena's brother." The younger boy said. I shook hands with him and smiled.

"Oh yeah, Elena told me about you." I remembered.

"Really? What did she say?" He asked, smirking.

"Oh well...that she had a brother and that you are her brother." I said, trailing off. Jeremy laughed a little and nodded.

"Yeah that sounds like me." He joked.

"I'm Bonnie." The petite girl said. She seemed more like the bubbly type and I couldn't help but grin at her cuteness.

"Bonnie Bennet's my best friend." Elena explained.

"And will soon be one of yours." Bonnie added.

"I'm sure you will be." I said. I looked at the blond girl and remembered her instantly. "I remember you! You thought I was Elena!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm Caroline." She grinned. We shook hands and I immediatley felt the same iciness that I felt when I touched Damon or Stefan. Caroline noticed this and when I mouthed 'Are you a...?' She simply nodded.

"I'm Rick, your sisters History teacher." The older man introduced. We shook hands and after noticing that I'd now met everyone, we enterred the boring topic of small talk. Until of course, Rick and Jenna left and a more focussed subject came to mind.

"So how do we find Katherine?" Jeremy asked. I didn't even bother to double check if everyone knew about vampires, cause it was obvious that they did. So I let it drop.

"Simple. We look for someone that looks exactly like these guys." Caroline replied.

"I'll do a location spell." Bonnie said as a more realistic answer. "But we can't confront her until we have the moonstone."

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