Chapter 18 "Must Exercise"

Start from the beginning

Sam's P.O.V

“Thank you Mr., err, Jonathan. I am so glad that you gave me this offer but I will have to think about it and talk it over with Alex.

“No problem son, I know it’s tough to travel away from your partner, especially if it’s for two and a half months but please think this through, It will bring a ton of new customers and attention to your studio” Jonathan said in an almost begging voice.

“Yes, I will for sure. Oh and Jonathan?”  He looked at me with his eyes a bit wider showing me that he wanted to hear what I had to say “I wanted to name my studio something other than ‘Sam’s Studio’”, the name is kind of boring and won’t attract much attention” He seemed a bit excited to hear it.

“And what would you like to name it?” He asked me.

“ Cerulean” he looked at me like he expected more. I guess he wants an explanation. “It’s my favourite colour along with black, the colour of my eyes (that’s what the eye doctor said” and I incorporate it in most of my paintings” He then seemed pleased with the name and explanation,

“I love it, the name of your studio is now Cerulean. If you decide to take my offer and expand, this can me the home of all of your, hopefully, future studios. I’ll go tell the rest of the crew the new information and we can now put up a website.”

Jonathan shook my hand one last time before we both left my studio to go to our homes. 

I don’t want to leave Alex for that long, even though we having little fights now. I’ll just have to talk to her about this.

I drove myself home and kept getting congratulated by Mike about my new offer. He kept telling me that if anything; Alex would be proud of me and would make me go. I sure hope so.

When I finally arrived at home, I walked through the front door and shouted, “I’m home everyone” and got no answer. Justin then came running towards me. “Mom and Dad got called to go in for a surprise practice and Alex should be home soon. She went for a run with Sarah.” He said quickly before running off to the games room.

“A run?” I said sounding like I was asking a question. No one heard me though since Justin had already run off and Mike was still outside resetting the alarms.

Why would Alex need to go for a run? She didn’t even finish her breakfast and now she's exercising? I shook the thought out of my head as I went upstairs to take a shower and change into less formal clothing.


Alex’s P.O.V

My head was hurting a bit but I guess it’s normal for someone who hasn’t exercised in a long time.  I walked upstairs to go take a shower since I was sweating like a pig. I noticed that someone was in the shower. How did I know? I could hear the shower running and off key singing. I crept in to check.

“Sam is that you?” the singing then stopped. “Yah it’s me, do you want to take a shower?” he asked me “yah, I’ll just wait in the room” I answered “Why not jump in right now?” he asked. Oh crap, I’m not sure I’m ready to be naked around anyone for a long time since… that day… think of something…. Yes! Got it! “I’m really dirty right now and I bet that you’re clean so I’ll just wait” I said as I walked out and closed the door right after I heard an “Ok”.

 After Sam finished his shower and I took mine, he sat me down on the loveseat we have in our room to “talk”.

“So you know that today I had a meeting with Jonathan right?” He said and I nodded encouraging him to get to the point.

“Well, he offered me to expand the studio!” he exclaimed

“Oh my gosh that's great!” and I meant it

“But there’s just one thing” he said slowly… this can’t be good. This won’t help my headache that’s now, getting heavier.

“He said that I need to go to New York for two months and a half so we can start planning to open the second studio there” why would he be doubting that?

“And lately we've been fighting quite a bit and I’m just worried that if I go-“ I cut him off

“You're just worried that if you I’ll be mad?!” I screamed at him while getting up

“What, no! I meant that I’m worried that you'll need me for something” he screamed back

“So now I’m not independent and I need you for everything?!” Now he’s pissing me off!

“You know what?! I’m gong. Maybe it'll be good for us to spend some time apart!” He then went to his part of the closet and started packing clothing items and all the papers that he’ll need to travel to the states (were in Canada remember?)

“Fine!” I yelled once again while just standing, crossing my arms over my chest and watching him.

“I’ll be back before the trial, Goodbye” he said a bit more calm and stormed off. I yelled bye back before slamming the door.

I almost forgot about that stupid trial. They would make me speak and I need to have my story straight.

Thinking about the trial after having a huge fight with Sam all while having a stupid headache didn’t help one bit. I then started to feel dizzy before I blacked out while falling to the floor.


Important Please Read

I just wanted to thank everyone that helped me with this story so far, I dedicated this chapter to an awesome person with the username Teen42. She is editing all my chapters from the start but hasn’t gotten to this one yet since she just started so all the mistakes are MINE. Go check out her story “Sisters of Danger”. I never thought that I would do this but… Can I get at least 6 votes on this chapter before I update? I have 14 fans so hopefully the click of a button won’t be to much work. Thank you J

-amysousa XoXo

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