Unanswered Questions

Start from the beginning

Alexander immediately spotted his brother and wife through the snowy haze. Even though they were barely more than faint figures in the falling snow Yela's violet and Max's two blue lightsabers burned bright and clearly visible as the two fighters danced around each other.

Over the last seven months, Yela had dedicated herself to expand her abilities as a force wielder which cut their time together even shorter.

Yela was now six months pregnant. To her displeasure, the pregnancies of Togruta's took a bit longer than that human woman had to suffer through. Even though she showed a little bump Yela was obviously still very mobile.

"I'll stay here," Boss announced. Alexander sighed and walked through the deep snow towards his brother and wife. Yela jumped forward and made a two-hand overhead blow that Maxwell blocked by crossing his lightsabers overhead. Then he pushed her back with ease.

Then he did a backward flip and raised his hands just as Yela charged forward. A force wind erupted in Yela's direction carrying a hail of snow with it.

She crouched down and covered her eyes to protect herself from the icy, gale force winds. "Hey!" Alex called trying to get their attention. The storm died out and Yela staggered to her feet with her lightsaber raised.

Max turned off his weapons and returned them to his belt. After a moment of confusion, Yela spotted her husband and her eyes lit up.

"Alexander! What brings you here?" his brother called and the two walked towards the newcomer.

Alex pulled Yela into a short embrace and looked into her eyes. As always no more was needed between them.

Turning to his brother Alex announced, "I came to invite you to the winter ball. We also need to talk about the military reforms you suggested."

Max sighed and ran his fingers through his shortly cropped silver blond hair. "Very well. Let's get indoors."

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Two weeks later


Ahsoka and Lux were kneeling on the roof of a grocery store at the outskirts of Aldera, staring up at the brightly lit palace. "Hard to believe your old friend lives there."

"First of all, he isn't my friend. Our relationship is complicated and I told you I don't want to talk about it. It's really none of your business," Ahsoka hissed before composing herself. Why was she being so defensive?

"Anway, Maxwell doesn't live here. His older brother does. You know the king of Alderaan. In fact, Maxwell isn't even on this Continent. That is something you should be grateful for. If he were here, this would be much too dangerous," she reminded him.

"I'm not afraid." Lux insisted. Ahsoka sighed exasperated. She used to really like that rebellious side of him, now she found it unpractical, even dangerous.

She also didn't like the idea of telling him about the extent of Maxwell's skills, not that she had much insight on the matter herself. "Let's just not get caught."

Lux looked unconvinced. "I'm still not afraid."

"I know," Ahsoka replied and jumped down from the roof, landed in a crouch and rolled forwards. It took Lux a minute to climb down the tree he had used to get up on the roof.

Ahsoka was dressed much like she had been when she left the Jedi Order. A skintight brick red top and padded leggings that offered some protection to her knee caps and thighs. Lux was wearing the same gear he had in the Onderon campaign.

 Lux was wearing the same gear he had in the Onderon campaign

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