Spring Fever

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Your Pov

You jerk awake, your body flailing underneath the blankets, the falling sensation clamping down on your gut. You gasp and your eyes shoot open only to be closed again to block out the light that shines through the window. You grumble incoherently because you could've sworn you closed those damn curtains last night. You look at the clock and grunt. You don't even have to be up for another hour.

That was your first clue that today was not going to be a good day.

You roll over only to find that the other side of the bed isn't occupied and the sheets are cold meaning that your girlfriend, Lauren, has been up for quite a while. You pout because you hate waking up alone.

That was your second clue.

Then you feel a tickling sensation in your nose that causes your eyes to water and next thing you know you're sneezing so hard your ears pop.

Oh no.

That was your third and final clue.

You scramble out of bed only to get tangled up in your blankets and tripping. You groan from your spot on the floor, muttering 'stupid blanket' before you look at the calendar that's hung on your door.

March 20th

Aka the start of spring.

Aka the time of year you sneeze yourself to death.

Oh no.

You scowl at the calendar as if doing so will change the date. You know what? Maybe this time you'll get lucky. You've only sneezed a total of three times! That really doesn't mean anything. It was probably just the dust or something. But then you start rubbing your eyes because they're itchy and they won't stop watering. You just know it's the beginning of the end.

whining pitifully, you venture into your ensuite bathroom to do your business and search the medicine cabinet for the allergy medicine you keep handy. Except you can't find it... You search high and low but still come up empty. You don't want to ask Lauren because she'll say it's in one place you've already checked but it's not there and you'll argue about it until she comes in and performs a fucking magic trick making it suddenly appear. You're too prideful for that so you check again, this time more thoroughly.

Still nothing.

You let a huff of frustration before you feel the familiar tingling sensation in your nose and the watering of the eyes.

Oh no.

You do your best to prevent it from happening and you know you're making the ugliest face right now. "Ah ah," You try fanning your face and walking in small circles to prevent it from happening until, "ACHOO!" You sneeze into your hands and make a face at the saliva all over your hands. You quickly wash your hands before accepting defeat and sluggishly go to find Lauren, dragging your feet along the way.

You find the raven-haired goddess in the kitchen with her back facing you, dressed in one of your favorite flannels, and seems like the flannel only. You can see that she's cooking something and you probably would've smelled it too if it weren't for your stupid stuffed nose. You rub at your itchy eyes before stealthily (at least you think it's stealthily) walking up behind your girlfriend and wrap your arms around her waist, your chin resting on her shoulder. You see she's making pancakes. At least one good thing about this morning, you thought.

"Good morning baby. You're up early," She doesn't even flinch and you furrow your eyebrows. "I could hear your breathing the second you entered the kitchen." You scoffed and bit her shoulder, feeling Lauren try to squirm away.

Lauren/You One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now