Catching Up With The Top 11

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Scotty McCreery: After winning American Idol, Scotty went on to release two successful albums and his 3rd album is in the works of being released. He also has just graduated from University of North Carolina. He and Lauren frequently have spent time together due to them both attending the annual softball game as well as CMA Fest. They had a secret affair every time they saw each other but were never fully ready to break things off with their significant other but what will happen when Scotty learns that Lauren has a third reason behind her 3 year long break from releasing new music and being on the scene of the industry?

Lauren Alaina: After coming in 2nd, Lauren released her first album, Wildflower that did fairly well. She earned the ACMA for best new country artist in 2012. In 2013 she had a rough year between her vocal problems which required surgery, her parents' divorce and remarriages to other people, and there's one 3rd thing that happened that Lauren doesn't want anyone to know about. It's been kept out of the media but what happens when this reunion tour starts and the press start asking more questions about that year off Lauren had, not attending anything and practically hiding out. The year that broke up her relationship that she couldn't explain why...until now.

Haley Reinhart: After Idol ended Haley released her debut album, Listen Up! which did not do as well as Haley hoped it would. She was later dropped from Interscope which would prove to be a blessing in disguise. Haley then became a part of PostModern Jukebox which was a YouTube group that reinterpreted modern songs and turned them into Jazz Classics. Haley had become their leading artist. Casey was also involved with Postmodern Jukebox, the two of them had been inseparable since Haley's messy break-up with Stefano. There were many rumors about Casey and Haley being a couple but nothing had to be confirmed....until now when they were thrown back into the spotlight with this reunion tour. But can their relationship survive?

James Durbin: After Idol ended James and his longtime fiance, Heidi, got married on December 31st, 2011. They now have a daughter, Kinzee as well as their son, Hunter. James' first album Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster, did fairly decently. His newest album, Celebrate also did decent. James was actually excited to get back into the spotlight again with this reunion tour.

Jacob Lusk: Since Idol ended, Jacob has released his first single, Brainfreeze and has taken over the Gospel genre, even though he has come out as gay, the Christian community accepts him. Jacob has remained good friends with Casey and Haley and is the only one to know the true status of their relationship.

Casey Abrams: After Idol ended, Casey released his self-titled album which did decent. He's been performing all over Los Angeles with Haley as well as touring with PostModern Jukebox. He and Haley now live together and are happily a couple. The media, has no idea of their relationship because Casey and Haley haven't had to answer to anything...until now.

Stefano Langone: After Idol ended, Stefano released a few singles. His first single 'I'm On A Roll' did pretty well, his second single 'Yes To Love', did not. He was then dropped from Interscope. He has released music for his fans but has yet to regain what he had on Idol. He also went through a messy break-up with Haley Reinhart about 3 and a half years ago. He has been going from girl to girl because in some sense, he misses Haley even though he'd deny it if you asked him. Now that Haley is back in his life, how will he react...and how will Haley react?

Paul McDonald: Since Idol ended he got married to Nikki Reed on October 16, 2011. They released an album together which had one hit song on it. However in 2013, they went through a very public divorce which was heartbreaking for Paul since he loved Nikki. She quickly moved on to Ian Somerhaulder and Paul moved on to his former Idol mate, Pia Toscano, they have been keeping their relationship a secret for months. But when everyone is together again for tour how will the contestants react?

Pia Toscano: Pia was one of those contestants that Interscope though was going to be a mega success. When her single 'This Time' flopped after so much promotion...Interscope dropped her. Pia had found some success in being a background singer for her former judge, Jennifer Lopez, which put her back in the spotlight somewhat. Pia did miss all the attention on her. So what was she going to make of this tour?

Thia Megia: Since Idol ended Thia has graduated from high school and has released some music with Disney. She recorded the song 'We'll Be There' for the Tinkerbell movie. Other than that she hasn't had much major success with music. She has continued to perform here and there.

Naima Adedapo: Since Idol ended Naima has moved to LA to pursue a full-time career in music. She has released an EP called 'Beautifully Made' which was fund raised by her fans. With the chance of being on the road again with all the idols, could Naima find some major success?

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