.chapter twenty-one.

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Chapter 21:
I burst out laughing. Okay, this dream has gotten too weird to be true. They all looked taken back by my actions and I turned around to look off in every direction.

"Okay when am I going to wake up?" I called out to the world. I rose my hands up and spun around,"I should wake up by now! I'll be late for school if I don't!" I yelled around.

"Emory, you're not dreaming." I could tell Brayden was tempted to grin but didn't want to make light of the situation,"Now will you come with us? Dinner should be soon."

He walked closer to me but I stood still.

"Wait you're telling me that all of this is real life?" I asked motioning around me with circular hand movements. The group nodded at me. My eyes widened and I sat down in the middle of the wooded area.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked with a snicker. Looks like someone couldn't keep their calm. I rose a hand to them all. I stared off into the multicoloured leaves and took a few deep breaths.

"It's a lot to take in, I know." Chai kneeled in front of me,"We all do." We both glanced around the group. They all provided soft smiles to me, Mitch even trying his hardest to appear happy for me.

Here I am calling him a monster when I'm a monster of my very own. How am I supposed to go on from here? It's not like I can go about telling people. People will be afraid of me just as much as I was of them. I can't even tell my dad! My breathing was uneven now and that deep knot in my stomach made me feel abnormal. I felt like I was trapped in this forest and I can't escape.

Like I really needed to use the toilet but there were none around. Each shoulder became too heavy for my body and the cool breeze capturing my hair now scolded my pale skin. All of these thoughts escalated higher and higher making this anxiety attack wedge into my brain.

Chai understood what was happening and lifted my arms over my head for my lungs to open up again. If not for her my conscience would've shredded the little faith I have left. What is life anymore? I've been raised to not believe in fairy tales and now my whole life was a lie. I've been different this whole time and didn't even know it.

I can't think like this. It's only going to hurt me; a new thought crosses my mind.

"So let me get one thing straight." I started. Chai nodded to me,"You guys are living with criminals?" She laughed at my innocence. Out of all that I could've asked, I decided to oblige by the law. I'm such an idiot. I'm living the life of someone from like Harry Potter or The Lightning Thief or even Scooby Doo and I ask that..

My spotty human brain, I swear.

"Technically yes, but it was all our decision so no." Chai looked just past me, trying to piece together what she just said,"Yeah, that makes sense." She flashed her bright teeth at me making me feel more comfortable.

Having them all come out to me in a way has lifted the tension between the two of us. Like that barrier made my search for Bee so insignificant. I guess it is compared to this.

Whatever if Bianca was like us. This has made my search for her even harder. I haven't even tried to find her for awhile and as of now I want to give up. What if she's like a chameleon and can blend into social situations so that I'll never be able to find her?

Is that even possible? I guess anything is at the moment.

"So... Everyone in the school is something. Wait, what am I?!" It just dawned upon me that I didn't ask the most important question.

"We'll get to that, let's go see Mr Knightley and let him know you're not dead." Brayden chuckled and helped me to my feet. It felt right in this moment with them now that I know that they aren't living a One Direction song.. And that my cloudy thoughts are answered. Now they can't act all fishy and stuff.

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