Chapter 1

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August 13th, 2015

I came to a sudden stop while looking at the sign to the Cortez, I smirked. I kept my gaze as I picked up my vintage bags my sun hat kept it's place "I wonder what she'll say" I asked myself just before I opened up the door. As I walked in I noticed nothing has changed about this place everything just the way it used to be back then. I made my way to the front desk but no one was there I rang the bell and turned my back towards the desk looking up at the second floor where the bar was moving my hat out the view. It was quite empty as usual suddenly the door closed and a elder woman came up to the desk. "How may I help?" she asked I felt frozen to show my face to whoever it was. "I need a room" I replied not facing her just yet "okay, well can I get your name, first and last name please oh and please write it down in this here book behind you." she said with a smile "My name... " I hesitated but said the words anyway "Margaret.... Margaret Alice Elliot March " I told her with my transatlantic accent appearing out looking back at the women with a shy smile. Her face seemed to go a bit pale, suddenly a book was dropped onto the desk by a transgender looking man, who I didn't see who was right there all along. The room was suddenly filled with a silencing stare on me by the two people as I wrote my name excluding my middle name alice, no one said a single thing except feel a certain nervous look on the little woman with the big full glasses. The transgender dressed man slide the room key on the desk as I grabbed it he watched me. I picked up my bags and said "this place hasn't changed" I sighed, when I walked away I could hear them say "Oh My God, it's her" they whispered

I decided to use my vanish ability up to the floor, strutting out in my white pump heels until suddenly I walked past the maid Hazel, who I haven't seen in ages. She looked at me and said "oh my goodness! And pushed herself into one of the rooms "What, haven't seen a ghost like me!" I spoke out to her laughing a little

"This is going to be some fun" I told myself out loud walking up to my room.

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