Chapter 31

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Destiny's POV:

"I played it safe. I kept my foot up on the break. I never really took a chance in life, and didn't live for today. Ah girl and then I meet you. Opened my eyes to something new. You know you set me free like no one else..."

Trissa, Emily, and I were standing on the side of the stage with Stormie and Ryland. "This is so cool!" Emily whispered in my ear.

"Yeah I know! And this so is soo good!" I replyed. Crazy 4 U wasn't only my favorite song because Rocky sings parts of it, but I just love the meaning of the song.

Near the end of the song, Riker came over to were we were standing. He did a neat thing with his bass, were he got close to the ground. He laughed and walked back to his place on the stage.

Trissa's POV:

"Oh my gosh he's so weird!" Trissa said while giggling when Riker walked away.

"Okay, so before we start our next song," Rocky started to say.

"We want you to meet three special girls!" Ross said, finishing Rocky's sentence.

Rydel grabbed her microphone and stepped away from her piano and walked over to where Destiny, Emily, and I were standing. "Come on out girls!" she said as she was walking to us. She pulled the microphone away from her mouth and said, "It'll be fine you guys, trust me!!" and grabbed Emily's hand and we followed her out on stage.

Emily's POV:

"It'll be fine you guys, trust me!!" Rydel said to Destiny, Trissa, and me then grabbed my hand and pulled me on stage and Trissa and Destiny followed. Rydel let go of my hand and I walked forward to Ross, Trissa took a few steps back to Riker, and Destiny walked over to Rocky. Then Ross started talking. "Now as you guys may have seen us post stuff about #Rissa or #Decky or #Rossily on Twitter, you get to meet them!" Ross looked down and grinned at me.

"Now, this is Destiny." Rocky said pointing to her.

"This is Emily." Ross said putting his elbow on my shoulder.

"And this is Trissa!" Riker said wrapping his arm around her waist.

As we were walking off stage I heard a few different things coming from the crowd. I heard 'AWE' and 'BOO' and even people telling us to stay away from there men.

Rydel's POV:

"Now, for the girls, Rocky, Riker, and Ross have a special song for them." I said as I was walking back to my spot behind the piano.

"This is one of our new songs." Riker said.

"And we're deicating it to Destiny, Emily, and Trissa today." Rocky said.

"Here is I Want You Bad." Ross said and they all looked over to the girls on the side of the stage.

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