Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Thank you all so much for coming," I say. My voice trembles slightly. I clear my throat and inhale an uneven breath. "My name is Leigh Anne Davis and I am a student at the same university as Burke Redfield and Molly Johnson. Although I have never met Ms. Johnson, I have, in fact, met Burke Redfield."

All eyes are fixed to my face. I swallow and my throat feels like sandpaper.

"Last year, just before spring break of my freshman year, Burke Redfield took me on a date." My hands are shaking, so I press them together tight. It takes every ounce of courage to speak the words. "He raped me."

The crowd breaks out in a roar. My mother reaches for my arm, but I pull away from her. I will not let her silence me.

I wait as the officials attempt to quiet the area.

I seek out Knox's eyes and he nods, encouraging me to keep going. Tears sting my eyes.

"I reported the assault through the proper channels at my university, submitted to a rape kit, was questioned by the authorities and the Dean of Students," I say. "After a limited investigation, I was told by the administration and by my own family that it would be in my best interest to keep all of our proceedings off the official record until a decision was made as to the validity of my claims. And after months of waiting, I was finally told there would be no official hearing."

As I speak, I find strength.

"The university swept any evidence under the rug and failed to make any of those reports available to me," I say. "They took away my voice, telling me further accusations would bring shame to both me and to my school. For a year and a half, I have lived with the pain of what happened to me without any support from my school. In the meantime, Burke Redfield has been free to continue attending school at the university, putting other women, like Molly Johnson, in danger.

"Today, I announce my intention to file official charges against Burke Redfield."

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