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*So this is just a character description to introduce you to the story

Name: Lily Black

House: Gryffindor

Age: 16 (fifth year)

Wand: Twelve inches, Oak, Phoenix Feather, Supple

Patronus: Your fathers Animagus form (a dog)

School: You get above average grades, but nothing too big. You do excel in Charms, Transfiguration, and Care of Magical Creatures, however. You have also been a Gryffindor chaser since your third year, along with Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell.

Looks: Long, wavy brown hair that falls to around your mid stomach, deep blue eyes, relatively skinny (but not stick thin), and some freckles around your nose. You have fair skin but can get quite tan over the summer months, you don't love the way you look, but you aren't particularly self conscious. (You inherited your mothers looks, although personality wise, you are quite similar to your father).

Friends: Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Dean Thomas, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Oliver Wood, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell- many Hufflepuffs and a few Ravenclaws, even some Slytherins- you have a very friendly and bubbly nature.

Family: With Sirius Black being your father, you lived with only your mother from when you were two years old, and you had a happy enough childhood together, as you and your mother were very close. You two live in a small, blue and white, rustic cottage in the country. When your father returned in your third year, you were overjoyed and you accepted him back into your life. All three of you now live in the cottage, and you just use Grimmauld place as a meeting area for the Order.

Pet: A tawny owl named Scree (you got him as an eleventh birthday present just before your first year at Hogwarts)

Blood Status: both of your parents come from wizarding families so you are a pure blood, but you honestly couldn't care less.


So that's it! Hope you enjoy the story, any suggestions or questions, feel free to comment.
If there is any other information that you would like me to add here, just let me know and I will happily do so.

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now