Is this the end?

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The smell of freshly mown grass is one which overwhelms me. The smells seems so foreign to me, but I know that it's not. It's only after I take a few deep breaths when I try to picture where the smell would be coming from. It hits me that I'm still in the arena and I know this is the doing of the game makers. I grab my sword from the floor, leaving the water bottle under the bush. Ensuring I support my side, I struggle to my feet.

Knowing the smell is of cut grass, I make my way to the nearest grass patch which I know. The mud around me harding as the sun reaches a higher point in the sky. I notice I'm walking with a limb due to my side, which is still causing large volumes of pain, but I continue to walk as fast as I can.

It only takes about 15 minutes for me to reach the small grass patch. The smell which is radiating is stronger now and I have no doubt in my mind that it's grass. I feel a dry patch forming in the center of my tongue as I stare blankly at the grass. I note nothing unusual around me but it's better to be cautious. It's when I'm standing there that I notice it. I can just about see the grass growing, from freshly mown to ankle height. That's when it happens. Without even a blaze of light or blast of sound, something goes past and cuts the grass, leaving nothing but a basic stubble left. It does this a few times before I decide to experiment. I quickly decide to stick a stray stick in to the ground whilst the grass is short to see what happens to it. When the grass gets cut, the stick does too. I know then it's in my best interest to avoid the grass at all costs.

As I retreat back to the safety of the lake, ensuring I only step on leaves and mud, I try to create a battle strategy. I know I won't be able to do too much due to my injury but I have to plan just in case. When I finally arrive back at the familar shoreline of the lake, I decide it's in my best interests to remove all my belongings from my tree and sit next to the waters edge. Dipping my bare feet in to the chilly waters.

After sitting for a few hours, drinking water and eating some of my precious rations I know it's time to get moving. With only a few of us left I know we're going to meet soon and I don't want to be just waiting in the open when it happens.

As I retreat back to the bushes near the cournacopia, just before the circle of grass starts, I harr some rustling in behind me. I automatically drop everything I had into the nearest bushes, with the exception of my sword, and make myself stand tall, ignoring the shots of pain now travelling through my side. I'm standing there with my sword raised in front of me when she appears. Something in the back of my mind tells me that shes the girl from District 3 - electronics. I quickly move as I see a knife hurtling towards my head. The throw is not accurate but it would still have hurt. She gets ready to throw another when she fall to the ground, blood pooling around from the knife wound in her back.

The cannon fires as the last tribute comes in to the clearing. He made no sound as he moved and it's easy to see how he managed to sneak up unnoticed.
"Wasn't expecting you to be my final kill" He snarls as he swings an axe in his hands. "Thought you'd go early being allies with Henry, I saw you two together a couple of times. Never bothered attacking because I assumed he would take you out for me and leave me with an interesting fight. You're stronger than I was expecting, although you did fall for his stupid act." He tells me as he spits to the ground. "Now it's time for battle, I want a good challenge though so don't give up, I won't be too pleased if you do."

I don't know why I listened as he spoke as it would have been the perfect oportunity to kill him, but I don't give him the pleasure of a reply. Instead I quickly pick the knife from the floor beside me, which District 3 threw, and send it towards him. He was expecting me to go for a killing blow but instead I went for his arm. The knife sliced across his left arm, the one he was holding the axe in, and then attacked with my sword. He was unprepared for this.

Even with the injury he was still able to use the axe well. I was using my sword to defend myself but I could tell he was backing me up to the grass. The wound at my side had reopened and I had another gash on my thigh. It took all my effort to carry on but I had to try. That's when the fatal mistake was made.

Just as I was about the fend out another one of his attacks, he moved his hand slight too far to the right. It was in this moment that his hand connected with my blade, resulting in him losing a couple of fingers and his axe dropping to the floor. It was in that moment I ended it. A quick slash of my blade and his cannon sounded. The fanfare begun and the ladder slowly decended. I was the winner of the 75th Hunger games.

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