The Opeaning Ceremony

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When the train stops at the platform the crowd is allready standing there cheering. Some of them must have waited for hours, just to get a glimpse of the tribute and their mentors.

As we stand at the door waiting for it to open I can see the nerves starting to affect Dezzy. Effie and Haymitch stand in front of her. Katniss and I are behind. The doors slide open and we step on the the platform. The cool breeze of the capitol washes over us and an avox appears to escort us to the required areas.

As Dezzy gets taken to be prepared for her stylist, Katniss and I are escorted to the mentors floor of the hotel. Each district has a floor and that districts mentors are more than welcome to stay there, but they also have the option to stay on the mentor floor with the mentors from every other district. As I state that I would like to stay on the district 12 floor, Katniss agrees but Haymitch decides to stay on the mentors floor. He doesn't have to be as involved this year as he is not alone and he is friends with most of the other mentors. For the time being however Katniss and I join him on the mentors floor whilst we wait for the opening ceremony to commence.

When we arrive on the mentors floor I notice how there is no one else here. "Where is everyone?" I ask Haymitch
"12's always the first to arrive. Give it 10 -15 minutes and the others are bound to start arriving. It's going to be packed as well due to it being a quell. I believe more victors than usual will turn up."

As he says take he takes a seat on one of the many sofas, resting his left leg on his right as he does so. As Katniss and I take a seat on one of the sofas opposite. Katniss curls he feet under herself and she learns against the arm of the sofa. Just as we finally get comfy the elevator door opens and Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta set out, hand in hand. I never knew they were a couple, but then again I can't say I've ever had a conversation with either of them.

"Haymitch!" Finnick calls from across the room. "Long time no see old pal. Didn't even see you at the victory tour."

"Yeah sorry about that. The escort liked to keep to a schedule and threatened to take away all my alcohol if I made her even a minuite late. In all fairness the booze comes first." He says laughing. 'Why don't you join us. I sure these two would like to meet you." He gestures to Katniss and I as he said that.

"Ah, the girl on fire and the boy with the bread. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." Finnick says as he places his hand in front of him, going for a handshake. I return it as he continues to talk. "I would like to welcome you to this so called reward. Would you like a sugar cube?" He asks as he takes his hand and reaches in to the pocket of his jacket, pulling from it a handful of sugar cubes. Both Annie and Finnick then proceed to one whilst Haymitch, Katniss and myself all decline.

As other victors enter we get introduced to some of them by Haymitch. Some of them I don't take much notice of, such as some district 3 tribute named Beetee whilst others stick in my mind due to either what I think of them or what I have previous heard, such as one of the other districts 4 tributes Mags. Finnick and Annie left us after about half an hour but a group of us arranged to meet up for dinner tonight, to talk tactics and other information.

When Katniss starts to become restless with the surrounding victors she asks if we can go and grab a bite to eat from the food room. I agree to go with her and Haymitch calls for us to get him some form of meat sandwich. As we enter the room the sheer volume of food present astounds me. It's almost as vast as the food which was supplied for our victory tour. I grab a plate for Haymich and a plate for myself and start browsing the selection of foods present. I decide on a couple of ham and lettuce sandwichs for Haymitch, made with the standard bread. For myself I chose a small roll of district 4 origin. It's got a green tinge to it and smells vaguely of salt, I guess it's meant to represent the ocean. I also take from the table a bowl of potato and leek soup. Katniss helps herself to some of her favourite lamb stew and a roll of bread from district 12. Even though she loves her food she's not very adventurous to trying anything new.

We go back through to the living area I pass Haymich the plate of food and go to sit on the floor near one of the smaller coffee tables in order to eat. People surround us eating their food and kat is quickly comes and joins me. We finish our food in silence and the chatter of the room slowly dies down. Victors are gradually starting to leave to meet their tributes. With some districts such as 11, there are a lot of tributes but hardly any victors, so they really have to focus. When I've finished my food an avox approaches to take my empty plate. I go to protest but realise it's best for the both of us if I remain silent. I then wait for Katniss to finish her food and Haymitch his drink by picking at a loose thread k found on the carpet. When they've finished we head down in the lift together to see how Dezzy looks for the opening ceremony and to give her some last minute advice.

As we are coming down the last of the stairs to the carriages a sense of familarity washes over me. The tributes are standing beside the carriage/s for their district with their districts fellow tributes. Dezzy stands alone at the district 12 carriage stroking the mane of a horse. As Katniss and I approach (Haymitch has dissapearred) we are taken back by her outfit. The style of it is obviously Cinna's. Dezzy's outfit represents the burning of the coal of district 12. She is wearing a pale gray jumpsuit. It is sleeveless and a darker gray belt is secured at the waist. I would guess that it does something else but we won't get to see that yet. The horses of the carriage match the outfit as they are both grey.

As the buzzer sounds backstage which signals the imminent start of the ceremony. Katniss helps Dezzy on to her carriage and whispers something in to her ear. She nods and stands with her right hand on her hip and her head held high. Katniss and I bid our farewells as the first of the carriages starts to move. We head backstage to the screens giving off the live feed.

As we stand in front of the district 12 screen I see that Haymitch has reappeared, more intoxicated than ever. Dezzy's carriage still hasn't left yet but I am allready getting nervous in anticipation. It has to go well if she wants to get sponsors. As I'm standing there I feel a hand being placed around my waist. I assume it's Katniss. I hope it's Katniss and not someone else. As we're standing there suddenly the district 12 carriage appears and the gates shut behind them. At first glimpse it's easy to overlook Dezzy. Some of the other tributes outfits look like they took inspiration from ours last year. The pair from district 3 look gaudy in the amount of lights present. It's only when they're halfway through when Dezzy has an impact. She changes the way in which stands. She interlocks her fingers and holds her arms in front of her, a small smile starts to spread across her face and suddenly she is engulfed in smoke. At first I think something has gone wrong but as the carriage proceeds he smokes trails behind her like a cloak. She looks intimidating. The crowd is silence in awe at first but the cheers start and the crowd goes wild. I even catch a glimpse of one or two of the other tributes turning around in their carriages to get a glimpse of what is going on behind them.

As we're all going back outside to meet our tributes after the Opening ceremony the first thing I see if Dezzy speaking to the tribute from 4. I look over to see Finnick looking at them the same way. It's not good for friendships to be formed, one or both will end up dead.

As we steer Dezzy away from Districts 4's Henry we congratulate her on her performance and the impact which she made. Cinna joins us on our way up and also proceeds to congratulate her. Him and Katniss talk the whole way up to district 12's floor. Dezzy and I on the other hand start to talk about the strategy's she may use in the training room tomorrow.

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