The Start

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The alarm goes off at 5 am and I instantly get out of bed. Effie made us all shower last night so we didn't have to this morning, so I head straight for the wardrobe. From the wardrobe I take a white shirt; navy blue jumper and a pair of smart black trousers. As I pull the jumper over my head I slip my shoes on, flattening my hair as I close the door behind me.

As I reach the dining room, I see that everyone else has arrived. I take a seat and pull a bowl of porridge towards me. We eat in silence, the only noise present is that of cutlery scraping plates. As I finish my porridge I push the bowl back towards the middle of the table and an avox comes to take it away. I look towards Dezzy who is nudging around the food on her plate. My eyes meet Katniss' as I go to say something. She gets there before me. "You should eat something. You don't want to go in hungry." Dezzy looks up and then back to her plate.

"It's ok I think I'll pass. " She says as she pushes her plate away. "May I be excused?"

"You have an hour." Speaks Effie. "And not a minute more."

After Dezzy leaves for her room it's just the four of us who remain. "So what did you think of the interview last night?" Effie asks. "I watched it from home and it didn't seem like it was too bad."

"It was better than I expected. She got asked the right questions. Don't know where she pulled that quite from though. That's what will be memorable." Haymitch days as he takes a swig from his bottle.

"Won't it just. Last year with the mockingjay pin, this year with the quote. Who would imagine it would be District 12 influencing fashion in the Capitol. I mean look at this." She gestures to the golden wig on her head.

"Haymitch?" I ask "Will more people be willing to sponsor due to it being a quell and all?"

"Possibly. We just have to find people who like her. We don't want another games like the one Finnick won. That year it was impossible to get sponsors. Everyone wanted him to win."

As we're talking the sound of footsteps comes from the elevator. As I turn to see who arrived the sound of Katniss fills the room "Cinna!" She shouts as she runs towards him. He extends his arms and she runs in to them. He pulls her in to an embrasing hug - I can't help but feel slightly jealous.

"Dezzy?" He asks as we all point towards her room. As he stands in front of her door and knock I can't help but remember what she's going through. There's a chance she won't make it to the end of the day.

As Cinna leads Dezzy from her room we each get our chance to give her any last advice. I'm third in line after Haymitch and Katniss.

"Meet Henry wherever you agreed. I know you agreed to go to the cournacopia but be careful. That's where your most likely to get killed. Be careful though, the moment you stop trusting him run."

"Don't eat or drink anything unless you know it's safe."

"Don't give up. As soon as you loose hope you loose the will." I say as a pat her on the back.

"Just remember that delightful quote of yours. But you must contain that horrid attitude of yours." Effie says to Dezzy. It really is unfair that she has to say at least one negative thing to the tributes before they leave.

As Cinna walks towards the lift with Dezzy at his heels she turns momentarily. In that moment we each raise here fingers to our lips, showing the sign of respect to someone we care for.

We watch from the window of the mentor floor as the hovercraft finally takes off. We've been informed that it's 2 hours until the start of the games. Till that time however we are not allowed to leave the tribute center. So until then we are stuck here as they prepare this room ready for the screening of the games.

Who 10 minutes left the last of the screens are installed. 24 are placed at regular intervals around the room. One screen for one tribute. It will allow us all to keep an eye on our tributes at all times. In the middle of the room is a further, larger screen which will display the coverage everyone else will get.

As each of the screens go on the room goes silent. Each victor takes a seat in front of the appropriate screen as Ceaser Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith appear.

"We welcome everyone to the 75th annual Hunger games and 3rd Quarter Quell. 24 tributes enter, 1 comes out to lifelong fame and riches and the prospect of providing their district with treats beyond their imagination. No we cross over to the arena for the beginning of the games."

The screen goes black as the 60 second countdown begins.
The camera cuts to the tribute tubes rising. Dezzy stands firmly in her tube, staring in front of her. She wears a bright orange jacket with black trousers. The shoes looks sturdy enough to run in though.

As the camera sweeps up we get our first glimpse of the arena. The tributes stand in a circle around the cournacopia. The cournacopia however looks empty. Behind the tributes are grey stone houses. That's why the jackets must be orange, to stand out and make it easier. You can't see behind the houses, if there even is anything behind them. We just have to assume this is going to be a long games.


The cannon fires and the tributes run.

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