The Interview

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"Up, up, up. You've got a big, big, big day ahead of you." Chimes the voice of Effie who is standing before Dezzy's bedroom door. Haymitch, Katniss and I all lean back on the sofa in which we are seated in order to witness the process of Effie getting Dezzy up and attempting not to get stressed out. Haymich apparently plays a game each year where he tries to guess how many times she has to knock before the tribute finally gets up. For years the record stood at 4, however it was broken last year when she had to knock a total of 7 times before Katniss would leave her room.

Effie knocks for a third time when the door finally starts to open. "I'm up. I'm up. Enough." Dezzy says as she makes her way past Effie. Without even knowing it we have all returned to sitting normally on the sofa and Dezzy takes a seat on the one opposite. "Why am I up so early?" She asks looking towards Effie who stands behind us.

"It's the day of the televised interviews." Haymitch tells her. "And it requires a full day of preperation. The question is what do you want to do first: the session with Effie or the session with the three of ?" He gestures "It's up to you."

Without a moments hesitation "Effie first please."

"Great. Come with me then we're going to be very busy." The two of them walk down the corridor in to one of the side rooms I don't believe I have entered.

"What time do the interviews start? " I ask looking at my watch.

"They start at 7 but Cinna needs her by 5:30 latest." Says Katniss. "At least one of us needs to meet her and wait backstage before she goes onstage though."

"I'll do it." Haymitch volounteers. "It's important for you two to get a good seat."

"I'm just going to get something to eat." Katniss states as she excuses herself.

"Breakfast was only an hour ago sweetheart."

"Yeah but as we're in the capitol might as well get my feel. Just like you do with the booze ay Haymitch." She chuckles. The sound of her laugh fills me with a warmth only she can create. It's moments like this that reminds me just how much I love her. I still wonder if she will ever feel the same.

"So Dezzy." I say as the four of us sit in one of the bigger rooms on 12's floor. "I hope earlier with Effie was alright. For the next couple of hours we are going to be coming up with an angle for you. After your performance in the opening ceremony I think we can rule out shy. How would you like to come across?"

"I don't know. The only thing I know how to be is sarcastic and I don't think that will help me. Will it?"

"I don't know. It might work. You would have to have something else as well though. Something maybe a little less hostile." Utters Haymitch. "A little sarcasm can help to create humor."

"Why don't we practise some questions." Katniss butts in. "See what it's like." Everyone nods in agreement at the prospect of this idea.

"So," I ask Dezzy. "Tell me about your family."

"Family? It's just me and my Father most of the time, Mother looks after children on a regular basis so she's not at home much."

"So your father then, what does he do?"

"He's a blacksmith."

"So you've been around metals and such your whole life then?"

"Really? That's the best question you can come up with?"

"Hey Sweetheart you better keep your mouth shut. An attitude like that isn't going to do you any favours." Speaks Haymich.

"Not like I'm going to survive anyway. You know what." She says as she stands up. "I don't actually care anymore. Don't follow me and only get me when I need to get ready. I don't care about any of this." Kicking the chair as she slams the door behind her.

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